Xenoviolet is a dark suite of themes for KDE with colorful gradients, tempered transparency, and a cyberpunk glow. This theme is developed with a commitment to chasing the pipe dream of a unified visual experience across Qt, Kirigami, and GTK.
Xenoviolet is a color variant of the Xeno theme suite for KDE.
- Xenoviolet Aurorae window decoration theme
- Xenoviolet Kvantum theme
- Xenoviolet Plasma theme
- Xenoviolet-gtk GTK theme
Icons: Sours Color Scheme: Xeno Conky (panel background): [Xeno](https://github.com/tully-t/Xeno/tree/main/Conky Font: Neuropolitical
Each component folder contains a README with installation instructions, recommendations, and customization notes specific to that component.
Please open an issue if you notice any bugs, errors, or unexpected behavior.
This project is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 - see the LICENSE.md file for details.