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๐ŸŽฎ Reverse engineering Roblox account creation.

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Roblox Reverse Engineering Documentation

This is my first REAL reverse engineering project, and I decided to do it on Roblox. I tried to reverse as much as possible and document it as much as possible. IT'S NOT FINISHED, and yes... I haven't finished everything because I have to take care of the solver which seems super complicated!!!


1. Requests

Here's how I intercepted requests from Roblox.

  1. Install HTTP Toolkit.
  2. Install Google Chrome.
  3. Launch HTTPTK, and start a Chrome Intercepted Window.
  4. You'll see all requests running on chrome.

2. CSRF Tokens

<meta name="csrf-token" data-token="&#x2B;Wuz/fRm2EQ0" />
    "host": "",
    "connection": "keep-alive",
    "sec-ch-ua-platform": "\"Windows\"",
    "x-csrf-token": "&#x2B;Wuz/fRm2EQ0", # Here
    "accept-language": "fr;q=0.01",
    "sec-ch-ua": "\"Not A(Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"132\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"132\"",
    "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0",
    "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*",
    "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
    "origin": "",
    "sec-fetch-site": "same-site",
    "sec-fetch-mode": "cors",
    "sec-fetch-dest": "empty",
    "referer": "",
    "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br, zstd",

The CSRF token is used in the account creation request and can be found in the request to

3. Payloads

    "secureAuthenticationIntent": {
        "clientPublicKey": "",
        "serverNonce": "",
        "saiSignature": ""

Here is part of the account creation payload. ClientPublicKey is an ECDSA public key exported in SPKI (Subject Public Key Info), serverNonce is a JWT token generated by a request to a Roblox API endpoint and saiSignature is a payload (publickey_spki | timestamp | servernonce) signed in ECDSA.

You can find when they are used in the file ae788b37f7b78c7687ec59bab22a0c17d1dae025878eea347e4a1ef922883578.js at the lines 21398 - 21402.

i = {
    clientPublicKey: r,
    clientEpochTimestamp: a,
    serverNonce: t,
    saiSignature: i

4. Captcha

The Funcaptcha dataBlob for creating a Roblox account is found in the response header of the first account creation request.


Which is a base 64 encoded json:

    "captchaToken": "",
    "unifiedCaptchaId": "32190a94-efa2-4d8d-96e3-fd75f3f3cdbc",
    "dataExchangeBlob": "GCDBqaySv+uhTzP1.ypDIKGJOO0Dk87V7uwjjcQP0nEWbRQoEwXLD9OTLbu8ICB+HxHOCWsAmvx9y8vnkAQi4iUHNfdrS72lK1b1+J8JDujo3BhNqk1EdpDnXclp2VF5Gb16ez0rAg1NTxOcmN3WZ2cd+mc3l/eKEqFgqaSi50gbDj2+YTilAsAGjeVtDo2u1pShX6vhC1HWFk9lbeCEVIKuJU3vwNe6fVN/jmNBPZEsr06jCrltqJPumyf/rFuF3LHHdXvpF+45GYry31OwAerhNA5GB9cTcTr23R4PnCN75jw3MqqKykbuVgqO8tePCmkUxUzvSB72Qn/pmNl+6JyNEFJ/eu+WDiZGpVmAsoFx6V4LTEBZVbCgyJRv1q194ykWJvBuPwCeGV2croKR4bQ3XbO61/yQMuZqEtbsAWhlld8sn1gReoA+dR6+GFvxiMagcAKWgdobj",
    "actionType": "Signup",
    "requestPath": "/v2/signup",
    "requestMethod": "POST",
    "sharedParameters": {
        "shouldAnalyze": false,
        "genericChallengeId": "32190a94-efa2-4d8d-96e3-fd75f3f3cdbc",
        "useContinueMode": false,
        "renderNativeChallenge": false

We can see dataExchangeBlob and unifiedCaptchaId.

PS: If you have a funcaptcha solver here is the Roblox Funcaptcha Id: A2A14B1D-1AF3-C791-9BBC-EE33CC7A0A6F (he can be found by intercepting this requests: )


Thansk to:

  • Hartman : gave me some tips for funcap.
  • Slothh : gave me some tips for roblox.