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Module markdown-pdf

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The free, open source Python module markdown-pdf will create a PDF file from your content in markdown format.

When creating a PDF file you can:

  • Use UTF-8 encoded text in markdown in any language
  • Embed images used in markdown
  • Break text into pages in the desired order
  • Create a TableOfContents (bookmarks) from markdown headings
  • Tune the necessary elements using your CSS code
  • Use different page sizes within single pdf
  • Create tables in markdown
  • Use clickable hyperlinks. Thanks a lot @thongtmtrust for ideas and collaboration.

The module utilizes the functions of two great libraries.


pip install markdown-pdf


Create a pdf with TOC (bookmarks) from headings up to level 2.

from markdown_pdf import MarkdownPdf

pdf = MarkdownPdf(toc_level=2)

Add the first section to the pdf. The title is not included in the table of contents.

from markdown_pdf import Section

pdf.add_section(Section("# Title\n", toc=False))

Add a second section with external and internal hyperlinks. In the pdf file it starts on a new page.

text = """# Section with links

- [External link](
- [Internal link to Head1](#head1)
- [Internal link to Head3](#head3)


Add a third section. The title is centered using CSS, included in the table of contents of the pdf file, and an image from the file img/python.png is embedded on the page.

  Section("# <a name='head1'></a>Head1\n\n![python](img/python.png)\n\nbody\n"),
  user_css="h1 {text-align:center;}"

Add a next section. Two headings of different levels from this section are included in the TOC of the pdf file. The section has landscape orientation of A4 pages.

pdf.add_section(Section("## Head2\n\n### <a id='head3'></a>Head3\n\n", paper_size="A4-L"))

Add a section with a table.

text = """# Section with Table


css = "table, th, td {border: 1px solid black;}"

pdf.add_section(Section(text), user_css=css)

Set the properties of the pdf document.

pdf.meta["title"] = "User Guide"
pdf.meta["author"] = "Vitaly Bogomolov"

Save to file."guide.pdf")


Settings and options

The Section class defines a portion of markdown data, which is processed according to the same rules. The next Section data starts on a new page.

The Section class can set the following attributes.

  • toc: whether to include the headers <h1> - <h6> of this section in the TOC. Default is True.
  • root: the name of the root directory from which the image file paths starts in markdown. Default ".".
  • paper_size: name of paper size, as described here. Default "A4".
  • borders: size of borders. Default (36, 36, -36, -36).

The following document properties are available for assignment (dictionary MarkdownPdf.meta) with the default values indicated.

  • creationDate: current date
  • modDate: current date
  • creator: "PyMuPDF library:"
  • producer: ""
  • title: ""
  • author: ""
  • subject: ""
  • keywords: ""


As an example, you can download the pdf file created from this md file. This Python script was used to create the PDF file.


git clone
cd markdown-pdf

With Python > 3.8

make setup PYTHON_BIN=/path/to/python3
make tests

With Python 3.8

make setup38 PYTHON_BIN=/path/to/python3.8
make tests