Set of nodes to render websites in VL. Based on the excellent library CEF (Version 103.0.0) with OBS patch applied and the .NET bindings CefGlue
Try it with vvvv, the visual live-programming environment for .NET
In order to use this library with VL you have to install the nuget that is available via For information on how to use nugets with VL, see Managing Nugets in the VL documentation. As described there you go to the commandline and then type:
nuget install VL.CEF.Stride
nuget install VL.CEF.Skia
This is probably because your PC has multiple GPUs. There are two ways to work around this issue:
- On the WebBrowser node activate the optional "Shared Texture Enabled" input and deactivate it
or - Tell the chromium process to run on the same GPU that vvvv is running on:
- vvvv: Quad menu -> Manage NuGets -> Show Installed
- Navigate to VL.CEF.x.y.z\renderer and Shift+Rightclick "VL.CEF.Renderer.exe" -> Copy as Path
- Windows Graphics Settings: System -> Display -> Graphics (as explained here: assigning GPU preference to a program)
- Add an app -> Browser: Here you paste the path you copied to the clipboard earlier
- Locate the added entry and under options choose the same as vvvv.exe has assigned. Most likely "High Performance"
This is probably because by default CEF is not including proprietary audio and video codecs! For details, see here and here. If you have licensing for those codecs sorted and need help compiling a build including proprietary codecs, don't hesitate to get in touch via