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JustFans - Paid creator social media platform


Product description..

It is mainly based on following techs, plus couple of other dependencies and tools to ease up your development.

  • Laravel 9
  • Bootstrap 4.6.0
  • jQuery


  • PHP 8.0.2+
  • Mysql / MariaDB (5.7/8.X)
  • Apache & mod_rewrite / Nginx
  • Node, Composer & at least 2GB of RAM for dev builds


1) Create db
2) cp .env.sample .env # Edit values, add db
3) composer install
4) php artisan npm:install
6) npm run prod
7) php artisan key:generate
8) php artisan migrate
9) php artisan db:seed
10) php artisan voyager:admin # To add new admin user

Note* If having issues with composer install, try php -d memory_limit=1G /usr/bin/composer install

Saving admin state via seeds

Saving admin panel state. This will remove all prior admin related seeds and reverse genererate new ones - so default admin state & settings will persist.

php artisan admin:save

Publishing frontend libraries to public directory. Eg: You npm add a new lib and need to include it into your views.

php artisan npm:publish

Running Code quality checkers and fixers

php artisan code:check php/js cs/pasta
php artisan code:fix php/js

Setting up the crons

* * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Setting up payments

For stripe:

  1. In admin, add stripe public and secret key
  2. In stripe, create a webhook ( all events )
  3. Get Stripe's webhook secret and add it back to admin

For PP:

  1. Login to PP Dev dashboard, create new app
  2. Get Paypal's ClientID & Paypal Secret key and add them into the admin

Ionicons usage

Icons ( Ionicons ) Backend

 @ include('elements.icon',['icon'=>'chevron-heart'])
 @ include('elements.icon',['icon'=>'chevron-heart-outline'])
 @ include('elements.icon',['icon'=>'chevron-heart-outline','variant'=>'medium])
 @ include('elements.icon',['icon'=>'chevron-heart-outline','variant'=>'medium','centered'=>'true'])


< ion-icon name="heart"> 
< ion-icon name="heart-outline"> 
< ion-icon name="heart-sharp"> 
< ion-icon size="small">
< ion-icon size="large">



trans_choice('We got coconut.',2,['number'=>2])
We got coconut.

trans_choice('We got coconut.',1,['number'=>1])
We got coconut.

__('English is nice')
English is nice

__('Food is good',['food'=>'cacao cu lapte'])
Food is good


trans_choice('We got 1 coconut.',2,{'number':2})
We got 1 coconut.

trans_choice('We got 1 coconut.',1,{'number':1})
We got 1 coconut.

trans('English is nice')
English is nice

trans('Food is good',{'food':'cacao cu lapte']})
Food is good

Benchmarks & Performance

Tested on a dual core, $10 Digital ocean droplet, running nginx wiht php-fpm and PHP74, which tends to throttle CPU usage we got the following results:

  • Avg Max concurent request: ~240rps
  • Avg Load time: ~0.5s
  • Total bundle overhead (Gzipped): ~241KB

Wrk Benchmark tool sample alt text

Google Lighthouse/Page Insights report sample alt text


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