Efficient retrieval, download, and unification of genomic data from leading biodiversity databases
A tool for timing complex copy number gains in cancer.
A powerful TWAS framework leveraging summary-level reference data
A list of interesting genome browser and genome visualization programs
xtmgah / cloneMap
Forked from amf71/cloneMapAn R package to plot maps of clone distributions in somatic evolution
An R package to plot maps of clone distributions in somatic evolution
Various algorithms for analysing genomics data
knowledge-based genotyping of cancer hotspots from the tumor BAM files
Pipeline for the identification of extrachromosomal circular DNA (ecDNA) from Circle-seq, WGS, and ATAC-seq data that were generated from cancer and other eukaryotic cells.
😎 A curated list of software and resources for exploring and visualizing (browsing) expression data 😎
Cancer Data Science's go to place for excellent genomics tools and packages
The Microbiome Explorer provides methods to analyze and visualize microbial community sequencing data either from the R command line or through a Shiny application. Written by Janina Reeder and Jos…
🦠 A comprehensive R package for deep mining microbiome
Presentation-Ready Data Summary and Analytic Result Tables
A tool set to assess the quality of the per read phasing and reduce the errors.
An R package to estimate the quality of imputation of genotypes.
Very large scale k-mer counting and analysis on Apache Spark.
genetic variant expressions, annotation, and filtering for great good.
Integrative mutational signature portal (MsigPortal) for cancer genomic study
🛠️ 📊 Tools for Exploring and Comparing Data Frames
NOTE: The iroki command line tool is no longer maintained. Please see:
xtmgah / heatmaply
Forked from talgalili/heatmaplyInteractive Heat Maps for R Using plotly
xtmgah / httpie
Forked from httpie/cliCLI HTTP client, user-friendly curl replacement with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
xtmgah / rasqual
Forked from natsuhiko/rasqualRobust Allele Specific Quantification and quality controL