An implementation of the SPADE algorithm.
To install SPADE package clone it from github repository and install with following commands:
git clone
python3 install
To work with the package interactively you may wish to use the following way of installation:
pip install -e .
SPADE package provides a function to read txt files into dataframe. The formatting of the text file should follow the rules:
- '-1' separates itemsets,
- '-2' indicated the end of the sequence.
Such formatting is adjusted to formatting of datasets from as the package was prepared to process them. provides more information about formatting of the input and general information about the algorithm.
Example of use:
df = read_dataset(r"test_data/test.txt")
The fuction SPADE is the heart of the package. Given a dataframe with all the data (for example df returned by read_dataset) and a value of minimal support it will return a dataframe containing all sequences with support value greater than or equal to minimal support. It will be returned in the following format:
Items Support
0 {'A'} 4
1 {'B'} 4
2 {'D'} 2
3 {'F'} 4
4 [{'A', 'B'}] 3
5 [{'A', 'F'}] 3
6 [{'B'}, {'A'}] 2
7 [{'F', 'B'}] 4
8 [{'D'}, {'A'}] 2
9 [{'D'}, {'B'}] 2
10 [{'D'}, {'F'}] 2
11 [{'F'}, {'A'}] 2
12 [{'F', 'A', 'B'}] 3
13 [{'F', 'B'}, {'A'}] 2
14 [{'D'}, {'B'}, {'A'}] 2
15 [{'D'}, {'F'}, {'A'}] 2
16 [{'D'}, {'F', 'B'}] 2
17 [{'D'}, {'F', 'B'}, {'A'}] 2
[{'D'}, {'F', 'B'}, {'A'}] should be read as D->FB->B and [{'B'}, {'A'}] as B->A.
For more comprehensive example of usage covering import of SPADE and read_dataset check