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A digital music stand written in Rust with Gtk 4 and Libadwaita. It is comparable to forScore, but completely free**. Touch screen is optional but recommended.

* Digital Note Score. Never let anything stop you from a good acronym :D

** Not only is it free, it also works on relatively low budget hardware.


  • Probably the only open source digital music stand software out there
  • Adaptive layout that shows a configurable amount of staves per page (see screenshots below)
    • Change the "font size" according to your needs
    • It can also show multiple columns if you wish
  • Easily add annotations in Xournal++
  • A companion application, the Editor, to import PDFs and images into the custom DiNoScore format
  • Night mode

Planned features (help appreciated)

  • Graceful error handling — sorry, at the moment the application just crashes if something ever goes wrong :D
  • Setlists
  • Synchronized or remote page turning
    • Automatic page turning via score following?
  • Four hands mode/duet on single device?
  • Song detection (just start playing and it will load the song for you)
  • Video recording mode: All those YouTube videos which display the score alongside the music could be recorded with DiNoScore


Song library: Screenshot of the song collection view of the application. A loaded song: A waltz from Chopin is loaded for playing, there are two columns with four staves each on display Jump between movements/sections/songs: The drop down for selecting a section is opened, showing that there are two more waltzes in that document Layout with larger zoom factor for smaller devices: The zoom menu is opened. As per the setting, only the first three staves of the song are shown, which corresponds to a zoom factor of 134% Dark mode: The previous screenshot but in dark mode with inverted colors Import your scores using the editor: Screenshot of the editor, showing the first with staff annotations

How it works

Cool features that assist you while playing need to be backed by data. Fully typeset files, for example in the MusicXML format, would contain all the information needed in a machine readable format. However, getting those is pretty difficult and/or expensive. Since DiNoScore wants to be affordable, you should be able to import image-based scores so that it'll even work with paper scans.

In order to still provide those features, you are required to annotate some information onto the score. Among other things, the software needs to know the boundaries of all the staves on the sheets. Since annotating all those by hand would be slow and tedious, we use a bit of object detection to automate the process. You'll only be required to do a few manual fixes.

With this information, DiNoScore can cut out the individual pages from the sheets and stitch them back together in the way that fits your display the best. Also, when you turn back a page because of a repetition, it will automatically jump to the beginning of the repetition even though it may be multiple pages away.

Get it

(See "Development" below if you want to get the latest source build)

Packaging for Nix, Arch Linux and Flatpak is work in progress.

Windows users need to download a zip bundle from the CI or the releases. (For the CI, click on a commit, on the green check mark, "Summary", scroll down to "Artifacts".)


Songs are packed in a custom file format stored as zip files. The program lists everything in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/dinoscore/songs, so simply put your songs into $XDG_DATA_HOME/dinoscore/songs. If you don't know what XDG_DATA_HOME is, use ~/.local/share/dinoscore/songs instead. You can create song files using the editor or download some from our public collection.

When using a foot switch to turn the page, bind the page turning actions to Alt+n (next) and Alt+p (previous). The arrow keys will work too.

There's also a small CLI for utility stuff. At the moment, the only feature it has is to bulk-upgrade song files to the newest version of the format. Run it with dinoscore-cli upgrade --help (or in development, with cargo run --locked --release --bin cli -- upgrade --help).


If you've installed Nix, simply type nix-shell and you're good to go. Power users may prefer direnv allow. Otherwise, install the required dependencies manually.

  • Run the application: cargo run --locked --release
  • Run the editor: cargo run --locked --release --bin editor


This work is licensed under the EUPL v1.2 or later. Parts of the library, notably the file format, the layout engine and the staff recognition, are additionally dual-licensed under the MPL.

Contact the owner(s) for use in proprietary software.