Hi! I'm @azu.
I've worked on Open Source since 2010. I've created 500+ npm pacakges and These are 10 million downloads a year.
I've created and now maintain many open-source projects:
- textlint is a linter for natural languages
- Secretlint is a pluggable linting tool to prevent committing credential.
- HonKit build books using Markdown
- etc...
Also, I the main writer of some blogs about JavaScript and ECMAScript.
- JSer.info (Japanese/Korean, 500+ posts, 10 years+, updates per a week)
- ECMAScript Daily (300+ posts, 4 years+)
I've written JavaScript books as Open Source in Japanese.
- JavaScript Primer #jsprimer (Japanese)
- JavaScript Promiseの本 (Japanese)
If you want to support me, please see GitHub Sponsors
❓If you want to know about me, create AMA Issue❓