astrocore API documentation
function astrocore.cmd(cmd: string|string[], show_error?: boolean)
-> result: string|nil
Run a shell command and capture the output and if the command succeeded or failed
param cmd
— The terminal command to execute
param show_error
— Whether or not to show an unsuccessful command as an error to the user
return result
— The result of a successfully executed command or nil
function astrocore.conditional_func(func: function, condition: boolean, ...any)
-> result: any
Call function if a condition is met
param func
— The function to run
param condition
— Whether to run the function or not
return result
— the result of the function running or nil
The configuration as set by the user through the setup()
function astrocore.delete_url_match(win?: integer)
Delete the syntax matching rules for URLs/URIs if set
param win
— the window id to remove url highlighting in (default: current window)
function astrocore.empty_map_table()
-> mappings: table<string, table>
Get an empty table of mappings with a key for each map mode
return mappings
— a table with entries for each map mode
function astrocore.event(event: string|vim.api.keyset_exec_autocmds, instant?: boolean)
Trigger an AstroNvim user event
param event
— The event pattern or full autocmd options (pattern always prepended with "Astro")
param instant
— Whether or not to execute instantly or schedule
function astrocore.exec_buffer_autocmds(event: string|string[], opts: vim.api.keyset.exec_autocmds)
Execute autocommand across all valid buffers
param event
— the event or events to execute
param opts
— Dictionary of autocommnd options
function astrocore.extend_tbl(default?: table, opts?: table)
-> extended: table
Merge extended options with a default table of options
param default
— The default table that you want to merge into
param opts
— The new options that should be merged with the default table
return extended
— The extended table
function astrocore.file_worktree(file?: string, worktrees?: table<string, string>[])
-> worktree: table<string, string>|nil
Get the first worktree that a file belongs to
param file
— the file to check, defaults to the current file
param worktrees
— an array like table of worktrees with entries toplevel
and gitdir
, default retrieves from vim.g.git_worktrees
return worktree
— a table specifying the toplevel
and gitdir
of a worktree or nil if not found
function astrocore.get_plugin(plugin: string)
-> spec: LazyPlugin?
Get a plugin spec from lazy
param plugin
— The plugin to search for
return spec
— The found plugin spec from Lazy
function astrocore.is_available(plugin: string)
-> available: boolean
Check if a plugin is defined in lazy. Useful with lazy loading when a plugin is not necessarily loaded yet
param plugin
— The plugin to search for
return available
— Whether the plugin is available
function astrocore.list_insert_unique(dst: any[]|nil, src: any[])
-> result: any[]
Insert one or more values into a list like table and maintain that you do not insert non-unique values (THIS MODIFIES dst
param dst
— The list like table that you want to insert into
param src
— Values to be inserted
return result
— The modified list like table
function astrocore.load_plugin_with_func(plugin: string, module: table, funcs: string|string[])
A helper function to wrap a module function to require a plugin before running
param plugin
— The plugin to call require("lazy").load
param module
— The system module where the functions live (e.g. vim.ui
param funcs
— The functions to wrap in the given module (e.g. "ui", "select"
function astrocore.normalize_mappings(mappings?: table<string, table<string, (string|function|AstroCoreMapping|false)?>?>)
Normalize a mappings table to use official keycode casing
function astrocore.notify(msg: string, type: integer|nil, opts?: table)
Serve a notification with a title of AstroNvim
param msg
— The notification body
param type
— The type of the notification (:help vim.log.levels)
param opts
— The nvim-notify options to use (:help notify-options)
function astrocore.on_load(plugins: string|string[], load_op: string|fun()|string[])
Execute a function when a specified plugin is loaded with Lazy.nvim, or immediately if already loaded
param plugins
— the name of the plugin or a list of plugins to defer the function execution on. If a list is provided, only one needs to be loaded to execute the provided function
param load_op
— the function to execute when the plugin is loaded, a plugin name to load, or a list of plugin names to load
function astrocore.patch_func(orig?: function, override: fun(orig: function, ...any):...unknown)
-> patched: function
Monkey patch into an existing function
Example from :h vim.paste()
local patch_func = require("astrocore").patch_func
vim.paste = patch_func(vim.paste, function(orig, lines, phase)
for i, line in ipairs(lines) do
-- Scrub ANSI color codes from paste input.
lines[i] = line:gsub('\27%[[0-9;mK]+', '')
return orig(lines, phase)
param orig
— the original function to override, if nil
is provided then an empty function is passed
param override
— the override function
return patched
— the new function with the patch applied
function astrocore.plugin_opts(plugin: string)
-> opts: table
Resolve the options table for a given plugin with lazy
param plugin
— The plugin to search for
return opts
— The plugin options
function astrocore.read_file(path: string)
-> content: string
Helper function to read a file and return it's content
param path
— the path to the file to read
return content
— the contents of the file
function astrocore.reload()
Partially reload AstroNvim user settings. Includes core vim options, mappings, and highlights. This is an experimental feature and may lead to instabilities until restart.
function astrocore.rename_file(opts?: AstroCoreRenameFileOpts)
Prompt the user to rename a file
param opts
— optional fields for file renaming
function astrocore.set_mappings(map_table: table<string, table<string, (string|function|AstroCoreMapping|false)?>?>, base?: vim.keymap.set.Opts)
Table based API for setting keybindings
param map_table
— A nested table where the first key is the vim mode, the second key is the key to map, and the value is the function to set the mapping to
param base
— A base set of options to set on every keybinding
function astrocore.set_url_match(win?: integer)
Add syntax matching rules for highlighting URLs/URIs
param win
— the window id to remove url highlighting in (default: current window)
function astrocore.setup(opts: AstroCoreOpts)
Setup and configure AstroCore See: astrocore.config
function astrocore.toggle_term_cmd(opts: string|table)
Toggle a user terminal if it exists, if not then create a new one and save it
param opts
— A terminal command string or a table of options for Terminal:new() (Check toggleterm.nvim documentation for table format)
function astrocore.unique_list(list: any[])
-> result: any[]
Remove duplicate entries from a given list (does not mutate the original list)
param list
— The list like table that you want to remove duplicates from
return result
— The list like table of unique values
function astrocore.update_packages()
Sync Lazy and then update Mason
regex used for matching a valid URL/URI string
{ [string]: table<integer, table> }
A table to manage ToggleTerm terminals created by the user, indexed by the command run and then the instance number
A placeholder variable used to queue section names to be registered by which-key
function astrocore.which_key_register()
Register queued which-key mappings
function astrocore.with_file(filename: string, mode?: "a"|"a+"|"a+b"|"ab"|"r"...(+7), callback?: fun(file: file*), on_error?: fun(err: string))
Execute function with open file
param filename
— path to file to interact with
param mode
— the mode in which to open the file
param callback
— the callback to execute with the opened file
param on_error
— the callback to execute if unable to open the file
-> "r" -- Read mode.
| "w" -- Write mode.
| "a" -- Append mode.
| "r+" -- Update mode, all previous data is preserved.
| "w+" -- Update mode, all previous data is erased.
| "a+" -- Append update mode, previous data is preserved, writing is only allowed at the end of file.
| "rb" -- Read mode. (in binary mode.)
| "wb" -- Write mode. (in binary mode.)
| "ab" -- Append mode. (in binary mode.)
| "r+b" -- Update mode, all previous data is preserved. (in binary mode.)
| "w+b" -- Update mode, all previous data is erased. (in binary mode.)
| "a+b" -- Append update mode, previous data is preserved, writing is only allowed at the end of file. (in binary mode.)
function astrocore.buffer.close(bufnr?: integer, force?: boolean)
Close a given buffer
param bufnr
— The buffer to close or the current buffer if not provided
param force
— Whether or not to foce close the buffers or confirm changes (default: false)
function astrocore.buffer.close_all(keep_current?: boolean, force?: boolean)
Close all buffers
param keep_current
— Whether or not to keep the current buffer (default: false)
param force
— Whether or not to foce close the buffers or confirm changes (default: false)
function astrocore.buffer.close_left(force?: boolean)
Close buffers to the left of the current buffer
param force
— Whether or not to foce close the buffers or confirm changes (default: false)
function astrocore.buffer.close_right(force?: boolean)
Close buffers to the right of the current buffer
param force
— Whether or not to foce close the buffers or confirm changes (default: false)
function astrocore.buffer.close_tab(tabpage?: integer)
Close a given tab
param tabpage
— The tabpage to close or the current tab if not provided
Placeholders for keeping track of most recent and previous buffer
function astrocore.buffer.has_filetype(bufnr?: integer)
-> boolean
Check if a buffer has a filetype
param bufnr
— The buffer to check, default to current buffer
return — Whether the buffer has a filetype or not
function astrocore.buffer.is_large(bufnr?: integer, large_buf_opts?: AstroCoreMaxFile)
-> is_large: boolean
Check if a buffer is a large buffer (always returns false if large buffer detection is disabled)
param bufnr
— the buffer to check the size of, default to current buffer
param large_buf_opts
— large buffer parameters, default to AstroCore configuration
return is_large
— whether the buffer is detected as large or not
function astrocore.buffer.is_restorable(bufnr: integer)
-> boolean
Check if a buffer can be restored
param bufnr
— The buffer to check
return — Whether the buffer is restorable or not
function astrocore.buffer.is_valid(bufnr?: integer)
-> boolean
Check if a buffer is valid
param bufnr
— The buffer to check, default to current buffer
return — Whether the buffer is valid or not
function astrocore.buffer.is_valid_session()
-> boolean
Check if the current buffers form a valid session
return — Whether the current session of buffers is a valid session
function astrocore.buffer.move(n: integer)
Move the current buffer tab n places in the bufferline
param n
— The number of tabs to move the current buffer over by (positive = right, negative = left)
function astrocore.buffer.nav(n: integer)
Navigate left and right by n places in the bufferline
param n
— The number of tabs to navigate to (positive = right, negative = left)
function astrocore.buffer.nav_to(tabnr: integer)
Navigate to a specific buffer by its position in the bufferline
param tabnr
— The position of the buffer to navigate to
function astrocore.buffer.prev()
Navigate to the previously used buffer
function astrocore.buffer.sort(compare_func: string|function, skip_autocmd: boolean|nil)
-> boolean
Sort a the buffers in the current tab based on some comparator
param compare_func
— a string of a comparator defined in require("astrocore.buffer.comparator") or a custom comparator function
param skip_autocmd
— whether or not to skip triggering AstroBufsUpdated autocmd event
return — Whether or not the buffers were sorted
function astrocore.buffer.wipe(bufnr?: integer, force?: boolean)
Fully wipeout a given buffer
param bufnr
— The buffer to wipe or the current buffer if not provided
param force
— Whether or not to foce close the buffers or confirm changes (default: false)
function astrocore.buffer.comparator.bufnr(bufnr_a: integer, bufnr_b: integer)
-> comparison: boolean
Comparator of two buffer numbers
param bufnr_a
— buffer number A
param bufnr_b
— buffer number B
return comparison
— true if A is sorted before B, false if B should be sorted before A
function astrocore.buffer.comparator.extension(bufnr_a: integer, bufnr_b: integer)
-> comparison: boolean
Comparator of two buffer numbers based on the file extensions
param bufnr_a
— buffer number A
param bufnr_b
— buffer number B
return comparison
— true if A is sorted before B, false if B should be sorted before A
function astrocore.buffer.comparator.full_path(bufnr_a: integer, bufnr_b: integer)
-> comparison: boolean
Comparator of two buffer numbers based on the full path
param bufnr_a
— buffer number A
param bufnr_b
— buffer number B
return comparison
— true if A is sorted before B, false if B should be sorted before A
function astrocore.buffer.comparator.modified(bufnr_a: integer, bufnr_b: integer)
-> comparison: boolean
Comparator of two buffers based on modification date
param bufnr_a
— buffer number A
param bufnr_b
— buffer number B
return comparison
— true if A is sorted before B, false if B should be sorted before A
function astrocore.buffer.comparator.unique_path(bufnr_a: integer, bufnr_b: integer)
-> comparison: boolean
Comparator of two buffers based on their unique path
param bufnr_a
— buffer number A
param bufnr_b
— buffer number B
return comparison
— true if A is sorted before B, false if B should be sorted before A
function astrocore.rooter.bufpath(bufnr: integer)
-> path: string?
Get the real path of a buffer
param bufnr
— the buffer
return path
— the real path
function astrocore.rooter.detect(bufnr?: integer, all?: boolean, config?: AstroCoreRooterOpts)
-> detected: AstroCoreRooterRoot[]
Detect roots in a given buffer
param bufnr
— the buffer to detect
param all
— whether to return all roots or just one
param config
— a rooter configuration (defaults to global configuration)
return detected
— roots
function astrocore.rooter.exists(path: string)
-> exists: boolean
Check if a path exists
param path
— the path
return exists
— whether or not the path exists
function AstroCoreRooterOpts)
Get information information about the current root
param config
— a rooter configuration (defaults to global configuration)
function astrocore.rooter.is_excluded(path: string, config?: AstroCoreRooterOpts)
-> excluded: boolean
Check if a path is excluded
param path
— the path
param config
— a rooter configuration (defaults to global configuration)
return excluded
— whether or not the path is excluded
function astrocore.rooter.normpath(path: string)
-> string
Normalize path
function astrocore.rooter.realpath(path?: string)
-> the: string?
Resolve a given path
param path
— the path to resolve
return the
— resolved path
function astrocore.rooter.resolve(spec: string|fun(bufnr: integer):string|string[]|string[], config?: AstroCoreRooterOpts)
-> function
Resolve the root detection function for a given spec
param spec
— the root detector specification
param config
— the root configuration
function astrocore.rooter.root(bufnr?: integer, config?: AstroCoreRooterOpts)
Run the root detection and set the current working directory if a new root is detected
param bufnr
— the buffer to detect
param config
— a rooter configuration (defaults to global configuration)
function astrocore.rooter.set_pwd(root: AstroCoreRooterRoot, config?: AstroCoreRooterOpts)
-> success: boolean
Set the current directory to a given root
param root
— the root to set the pwd to
param config
— a rooter configuration (defaults to global configuration)
return success
— whether or not the pwd was successfully set
function astrocore.toggles.autochdir(silent?: boolean)
Toggle rooter autochdir
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.autopairs(silent?: boolean)
Toggle autopairs
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.background(silent?: boolean)
Toggle background="dark"|"light"
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.buffer_cmp(bufnr?: integer, silent?: boolean)
Toggle buffer local cmp
param bufnr
— the buffer to toggle cmp completion on
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.buffer_syntax(bufnr?: integer, silent?: boolean)
Toggle syntax highlighting and treesitter
param bufnr
— the buffer to toggle syntax on
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.cmp(silent?: boolean)
Toggle cmp entrirely
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.conceal(silent?: boolean)
Toggle conceal=2|0
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.diagnostics(silent?: boolean)
Toggle diagnostics
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.foldcolumn(silent?: boolean)
Toggle foldcolumn=0|1
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.indent(silent?: boolean)
Set the indent and tab related numbers
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.notifications(silent?: boolean)
Toggle notifications for UI toggles
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.number(silent?: boolean)
Change the number display modes
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.paste(silent?: boolean)
Toggle paste
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.signcolumn(silent?: boolean)
Toggle signcolumn="auto"|"no"
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.spell(silent?: boolean)
Toggle spell
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.statusline(silent?: boolean)
Toggle laststatus=3|2|0
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.tabline(silent?: boolean)
Toggle showtabline=2|0
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.url_match(silent?: boolean)
Toggle URL/URI syntax highlighting rules
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.virtual_lines(silent?: boolean)
Toggle diagnostics virtual lines
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.virtual_text(silent?: boolean)
Toggle diagnostics virtual text
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrocore.toggles.wrap(silent?: boolean)
Toggle wrap
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification