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  JavaScript Live Stream Chat UI Kit

This JavaScript Sample app is built using our JavaScript SDK, this will help you add a live stream layout to your website which can be customized to build chat exactly how you want, and unbelievably quickly. It enables achieving a beautiful chat app interface for all use-cases like live chat, online consultation & tutoring, team collaboration, messaging, customer support and gaming chat.

See in Action here.

Getting Started

Follow the below steps to add the Channelize live stream layout to your website.

Step 1: Add Live Stream

Add the Channelize live stream div in the body tag of your website.

    <div id="ch_live_stream"></div>
Step 2: Import Channelize live stream file

Import the liveStream.Channelize.js file after body tag in your website.

<script src=""></script>
Step 3: Import Channelize JS-SDK

Import the Channelize JS-SDK after body tag in your website.

<script src=""></script>
Step 4: Create live stream object

Create object and call the load function which will require your public key as an argument.

    const channelizeLiveStream = new ChannelizeLiveStream('PUBLIC_KEY');

Customizing the live stream

Pre-requisites: Have Node v8.x+ installed.

  1. Update Channelize live stream file URL in your index.html file.
<script src="./dist/liveStream.Channelize.js"></script>
  1. Install required npm packages.
sudo npm install
  1. Build your changes.
sudo npm run build
  1. Start sample app.
npm start
For UI Customizations :
  • Customize the UI of chat live stream layout as per your choice by changing the values of predefined variables in ./live-stream/src/scss/variables.scss file or by making changes in the code of the elements/content.
For Function Customizations :
  • Add your own functions or make code-level changes.

File Structure of Channelize Sample App

    |-- dist
        |-- liveStream.Channelize.js          - Channelize Live Stream Bundle file
    |-- node_modules
        |-- ...                               - (node packages)
    |-- src
        |-- js
            |-- components  
                |-- conversation.js           - conversation screen class
                |-- login.js                  - login class
                |-- threads.js                - threads screen class
            |-- adapter.js                    - Channelize JS SDK functions
            |-- constants.js                  - const variables
            |-- utility.js                    - utility functions
            |-- liveStream.js                 - live stream main functions
        |-- scss
            |-- main.scss                     - main style class
            |-- variables.scss                - css variables
    |-- index.html                            - sample file
    |-- package.json                          - npm package
    |--                             - description file
    |-- server.js                             - server file
    |-- webpack.config.js                     - webpack setting