- (10/2024) Our pre-print with Iain Phillips and Irek Ulidowski is available on arXiv. Also, Nate Schwartz will be presenting our work on reversible
-calculus at the 2025 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Seattle, WA. - (05/2024) I have a PhD position available (dead-line: June 10th), and I am excited to prepare for my visit to the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
- (04/2024) Dr. Medić’s itinerary is on-line!
- (01/2024) I am extremely glad to report that Doriana Medić will be invited to Augusta University April 20--29, 2024!
The CinRC project aims at improving current specification languages for concurrent, reversible programs and protocols. It is an international collaborative project funded by the NSF, taking primarily place in the Augusta University's School of Computer Science.
Augusta University wrote an article presenting the project, and our local television station aired a short segment about it as well.
This project is carried out by Clément Aubert, with the help of the following collaborators (in alphabetical order):
- Logan Beatty (Augusta University, USA),
- Peter Browning (Augusta University, USA),
- Gabriele Cecilia (Augusta University, USA),
- Jean Krivine (Université Paris Cité, France),
- Doriana Medić (University of Turin, Italy),
- Claudio Antares Mezzina (University of Urbino, Italy),
- Jorge A. Pérez (University of Groningen, The Netherlands),
- Iain Phillips (Imperial College, United Kingdom),
- Nate Schwartz (Augusta University, USA),
- Emilio Tuosto (Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy),
- Irek Ulidowski (University of Leicester, United Kingdom),
- Daniele Varacca (Université Paris Est - Créteil, France).
Deivid Vale was offered the post-doctoral position and will join the project in March 2025.
- Clément Aubert. Replications in Reversible Concurrent Calculi. RC 2023, ⟨hal-04174437⟩
- Clément Aubert and Peter Browning. Implementation of Reversible Distributed Calculus. RC 2023, ⟨hal-04035458⟩.
- Clément Aubert. The Correctness of Concurrencies in (Reversible) Concurrent Calculi. 2024. JLAMP, ⟨hal-03950347⟩.
- Clément Aubert, Nate Schwartz. Reversing Abstract Machines in Lambda Calculus. 2024. The Arsenal's Summer Scholars Program 2024 Special Issue.
- Reversing Abstract Machines in Lambda Calculus -- Presented by Nate Schwartz at Augusta University's 2024 Summer Scholars Program and at the 2025 Joint Mathematics Meetings
- IRDC-CCSK, a Java implementation of distributed reversible computation verification, is hosted on gihtub.
- A collection of small exercises about CSS and its reversible declensions is hosted on github
- Contact: caubert@augusta.edu
- Created with debian, pandoc and latex.
- All my documents are under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Sources are available upon motivated request.
- You will need a
reader to consult some of the documents: I recommend choosing an open-sourcepdf