Make sure to uninstall the properly installed version you have via Poetry:
poetry self remove poetry-polylith-plugin
Build a wheel from your local folder:
poetry build-project --directory projects/poetry_polylith_plugin
Install into the Poetry virtual environment (Mac OS X), with pip:
~/Library/Application\ Support/pypoetry/venv/bin/pip install projects/poetry_polylith_plugin/dist/poetry_polylith_plugin-<INSERT-VERSION-HERE>-py3-none-any.whl
When done testing, don't forget to uninstall the local test version:
~/Library/Application\ Support/pypoetry/venv/bin/pip uninstall poetry-polylith-plugin
Developer notes about how to package the artifacts, using custom top namespaces.
The Poetry plugin:
poetry build-project --directory projects/poetry_polylith_plugin
The CLI:
poetry build-project --directory projects/polylith_cli --with-top-namespace polylith_cli
The Hatch build hook:
poetry build-project --directory projects/hatch_polylith_bricks --with-top-namespace hatch_polylith_bricks
The PDM project build hook:
poetry build-project --directory projects/pdm_polylith_bricks --with-top-namespace pdm_polylith_bricks
The PDM Workspace build hook:
poetry build-project --directory projects/pdm_polylith_workspace --with-top-namespace pdm_polylith_workspace