OCR Text Extractor is a Python application that allows users to extract text from images using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) via the Tesseract engine. The application provides a simple and user-friendly graphical interface for uploading images, capturing full-screen screenshots, or pasting images from the clipboard to extract text.
- Select Image File: Choose an image from your computer to extract text from. Supported formats include
, and.bmp
. - Paste Image from Clipboard: Take a partial screenshot (e.g., using Windows + Shift + S) and extract text from the image saved in the clipboard.
- Capture Full Screen Screenshot: Capture a screenshot of your entire screen and extract text from it.
To run this application, you need to have the following installed:
- Python 3.x
- The following Python packages:
(Download Tesseract OCR from https://github.com/UB-Mannheim/tesseract/wiki and Add to Environment Path)Pillow
(Python Imaging Library, a fork of PIL)Tkinter
(comes pre-installed with Python on most systems)
You can install the required packages using pip:
pip install pytesseract Pillow
python main.py