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Brief build instructions for ElmerGUI:


   - Qt 4             (4.8 or higher)

Optional components:

   - Qwt 6            (for qt 4.8)
   - Vtk 5            (compiled with qt 4.8)
   - Open Cascade     (programmed with 6.3, but versions 6.2-6.5 seems to work as well.)
   - PythonQt         (see ./PythonQt/README for more details)
   - Tetgen           (1.4.2 or newer)

Please read the file LICENSES before using any of these software components.

Tetgen should be installed as described in ../misc/tetgen_plugin/RAEDME

In order to compile ElmerGUI, edit the file ElmerGUI.pri and select the
optional components to build. You should also define the directories where
the external libraries and their headers reside.

If this is the first time you compile ElmerGUI, the following lines may be
commented out in order to minimize possible compilation problems (add the
lines gradually back later):

# Optional components:
# DEFINES += EG_QWT       # Use QWT for convergence monitor?
# DEFINES += EG_VTKP      # Use VTK for postprocessing?
# DEFINES += EG_MATC      # Use MATC for internal operations in postprocessing?
# DEFINES += EG_OCC       # Use OpenCASCADE for importing CAD files?
# DEFINES += EG_PYTHONQT  # Use PythonQt for scripting in post processor?

Compile as:

$ qmake
$ make

This should produce the executable "./ElmerGUI" or "./release/ElmerGUI.exe"

If the plugin for tetgen is found in the path (LD_LIBRARY_PATH for Unix,
and PATH for Windows), its functionality will be available when the program
starts. If the library is not found, the main program will run, but with'
some functionality disabled.

Finally install the program by typing

$ make install

Finally set the environment variable ELMERGUI_HOME = $ELMER_HOME/bin
and make sure it is in PATH (ELMER_HOME is defined in ElmerGUI.pri).