use issue-notify for all notify, use latest Perl
use issue-notify for all notify, use latest Perl
Force push
use issue-notify for all notify, use latest Perl
use issue-notify for all notify, use latest Perl
Enable coverage for Perl v5.32
Enable coverage for Perl v5.32
Force push
avoid // where breaks Devel::Cover
avoid // where breaks Devel::Cover
Enable coverage for Perl v5.40
Enable coverage for Perl v5.40
Force push
Enable coverage for Perl v5.34
Enable coverage for Perl v5.34
Force push
Force push
allow PDL::{Factor,Logical,SV} "initialize" to be instance methods
allow PDL::{Factor,Logical,SV} "initialize" to be instance methods
CI use macos-latest, windows 5.32 due to pl2bat failure
CI use macos-latest, windows 5.32 due to pl2bat failure
Force push
CI use macos-latest, windows 5.32 due to pl2bat failure
CI use macos-latest, windows 5.32 due to pl2bat failure
Force push
CI windows non-5.40 due to pl2bat failure
CI windows non-5.40 due to pl2bat failure
allow PDL::{Factor,Logical,SV} "initialize" to be instance methods
allow PDL::{Factor,Logical,SV} "initialize" to be instance methods