Update channel type
This command updates an existing channel type. The 'properties' are raw JSON string. The available fields can be checked here: https://getstream.io/chat/docs/rest/#channel-types-updatechanneltype
stream-cli chat update-channel-type --type [channel-type] --properties [raw-json-properties] [flags]
# Enabling quotes in an existing channel type
$ stream-cli chat update-channel-type --type my-channel-type --properties '{"quotes": true}'
-h, --help help for update-channel-type
-p, --properties string [required] Raw JSON properties
-t, --type string [required] Channel type
--app string [optional] Application name to use as it's defined in the configuration file
--config string [optional] Explicit config file path
- stream-cli chat - Allows you to interact with your Chat applications