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Getting Started with Google Cloud Authentication

Open in Cloud Shell

Access token from impersonated credentials

See the documentation for more information about authenticating for Google Cloud APIs.

  1. Install dependencies from package.json

     $ npm install
  2. Set the environment variable GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT to the project ID, set the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the credential you're using. To run the sample, you need to provide the impersonated service account name and the scope. See the sample for information on how to set up the service accounts in your Google Cloud project.

  3. To run the individual accessTokenFromImpersonatedCredentials.js test, you can do:

     $ npm run test:accessTokenFromImpersonatedCredentials

Auth with Cloud Client

See the documentation for more information about authenticating for Google Cloud APIs.

  1. Install dependencies from package.json

     $ npm install
  2. Set the environment variable GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT to the project ID, set the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the credential you're using, and set the environment variable BUCKET_NAME to a bucket you created in the project.

  3. To run the individual auth.js test, you can do:

     $ npm run test:auth

Downscoping with Credential Access Boundaries

This section contains samples for Downscoping with Credential Access Boundaries.

Running the samples

  1. Your environment must be setup with authentication information. If you're running on Cloud Shell or Compute Engine, this is already setup. You can also use gcloud auth application-default login.

  2. Install dependencies from package.json

     $ npm install
  3. Set the environment variable GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT to the project ID.

  4. To run the individual downscoping.js test, you can do:

     $ npm run test:downscoping

Additional resources

For more information on downscoped credentials you can visit: