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30 Days Essentials

📚 30 Day Python Essentials

Welcome to the 30 Day Python Essentials section of the Python Learning Roadmap! This series of lessons is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in Python programming. Each day focuses on specific topics and provides practical examples and exercises to reinforce your learning.

📋 Course Content

Day 1-3: Basic Concepts and Installation

  • Understand Python's introduction and why it's popular.
  • Learn the basic syntax of Python and its core data types (string, integer, float, list, tuple, dictionary).
  • Install Python on your computer.

Day 4-6: Conditional Statements and Loops

  • Master conditional statements (if, elif, else) and logical operators.
  • Gain proficiency in using loops (for and while).

Day 7-10: Data Structures

  • Deepen your knowledge of data structures like lists, tuples, and dictionaries.
  • Practice working with data structures through hands-on exercises.

Day 11-14: Functions and Modules

  • Define and utilize functions in Python.
  • Explore basic Python modules (math, random, datetime).

Day 15-18: File Handling and Error Handling

  • Learn the art of file reading and writing.
  • Master error handling techniques using try-except blocks.

Day 19-22: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Understand classes and objects.
  • Dive into OOP concepts, including inheritance and polymorphism.

Day 23-26: Database Connection and SQL

  • Establish connections with databases (e.g., SQLite).
  • Learn to execute basic SQL queries for data manipulation.

Day 27-30: Web Development and Frameworks

  • Explore Python web frameworks like Flask and Django.
  • Create a simple web application and gain insights into web development.

This 30-day series is designed to provide you with essential Python programming skills. By dedicating time each day to follow along and complete the exercises, you'll gradually build your Python proficiency and gain confidence in your programming skills.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance along the way. Happy learning!