There are several important python packages in this application
is a collection of girder plugins for the web serverdive_tasks
is a collection of girder worker plugins for the celery workerscripts
has general command-line utilitiesdive_utils
is shared code between the above packages
Set up your system as described in the Basic Deployment
In development, the server and client are run in separate processes. In production, the client is built and bundled as static files into the server image.
This python project uses Poetry.
# Optional, for intellisense or whatever. Not required for docker-compose
poetry install
# Copy .env.default and make any changes
cp .env.default .env
# Option 1) Build the project from source
docker-compose build
# Option 2) Pull pre-build images
docker-compose pull
# Start the project
docker-compose up -d
# The web server has hot reload, so code changes will
# immediately trigger a server restart.
# The Celery workers do not have hot reload.
# To test code changes, a restart is needed
docker-compose up girder_worker_default
# or
docker-compose up girder_worker_pipelines
# or
docker-compose up girder_worker_training
Access the server at http://localhost:8010
To work on the Vue client, see development instructions in ../client
Automation is done with Tox, installed by poetry above.
# run only lint checks
poetry run tox -e check
# run only type checks
poetry run tox -e type
# run only unit tests
poetry run tox -e testunit
# run only a particular test
poetry run tox -e testunit -- -k test_image_sort
# run all three tests above
poetry run tox
# automatically format all code to comply to linting checks
poetry run tox -e format
# run mkdocs and serve the documentation page
poetry run tox -e docs
# creates docs in the /site folder for eventual deployment
poetry run tox -e builddocs
Get an API key from production Girder. DO NOT use a full-scoped token, use a read only token.
# start the server
docker-compose up -d
# set an API key from production girder
# run the tests
poetry run tox -e testintegration
# run only a particular test (be mindful of dependencies)
poetry run tox -e testintegrationkeyword test_pipelines
After integration tests are complete, visually inspect the results to make sure all jobs completed, new datasets open correctly, etc.
# Requires a local poetry installation
poetry install
# show options
poetry run dive --help
# build the standalone executable into ./dist
poetry run tox -e buildcli
This section explains the metadata properties used to record application state in Girder. These properties can be modified through the Girder UI editor.
Image chips that compose a video are stored as girder items in a folder. Videos are stored as a single item in its own folder. The parent folder must have the following metadata.
(boolean) marks a folder as a valid DIVE datasettype
('video' | 'image-sequence'
) dataset typefps
(number) annotation framerate, not to be confused with video raw framerateffprobe_info
(JSON) output of ffprobe for raw input videoconfidenceFilters
(JSON) map of filter name to float in [0, 1]customTypeStyline
(JSON) map of class name to GeoJS display attributes.foreign_media_id
(string) For "cloned" datasets, this is an objectId pointer to the source media
(string) video codecsource_video
(boolean) whether the video is a raw user upload or a trancoded video
The girder-large-image plugin uses the pip install --find-link
argument and poetry has some difficulty supporting that with a location that is deleting and replacing older versions. This may cause some docker building errors so from time to time it may be necessary to update the poetry lock file. This requires clearing your local poetry and pypi cache to properly work. The command below when run in the server folder fixes any build issues
poetry cache clear --all pypi && pip cache purge && rm -rf ~/.cache/pypoetry ~/.cache/pip && rm poetry.lock && poetry lock --no-update