This project contains a collection of scripts, art, and prefabs that can be used in Unity projects. The files are created by me and do not contain any copyrighted material. Feel free to use and copy files from this project.
- Tool_QuickStart.cs < A multi-purpose Unity tool (all scripts from this repo are included and can be loaded in with the editor examples)
- AudioHandler.cs < An easy-to-use audio handler
- AudioZone.cs < Works with AudioHandler.cs
- Movement
- Vehicles
- AI
- Weapons / Shooting
- Editor
- Saving / Loading Data
- Networking
- Audio
- Useful
- Examples
- Practical
- MathAndAlgorithms
- Other
- Movement_2D_Platformer.cs
- Movement_2D_TopDown.cs
- Movement_Camera.cs
- Movement_Camera_CutScenes.cs
- Movement_CC_FirstPerson.cs
- Movement_CC_Platformer.cs
- Movement_CC_TopDown.cs
- Movement_RB_FirstPerson.cs
- Movement_FreeCamera.cs
- AudioZoneEditor.cs
- DialogSystemEditor.cs
- EditorWindowExample.cs
- Tool_Commands.cs
- Tool_CreateHexagonMesh.cs
- Tool_FileFinder.cs
- Tool_MapEditor.cs
- Tool_QuickStart.cs
- Tool_ScriptToString.cs
- Load_External_AudioFile.cs
- Load_External_Image.cs
- ReadWrite_TextFile.cs
- SaveLoad_JSON.cs
- SaveLoad_XML.cs
- AnimatorOverrider.cs
- DialogSystem.cs
- DialogSystemEditor.cs
- DebugCommandBase.cs
- DebugConsole.cs
- EnemySpawnHandler.cs
- Health.cs
- Interactable.cs
- InteractionHandler.cs
- LightEffects.cs
- LoadScenes.cs
- LoadScenesWithLoadingBar.cs
- MenuHandler.cs
- ObjectPool.cs
- ObjectPoolSimple.cs
- ObjectsInRange.cs
- SettingsHandler.cs
- Turret.cs
- Clock.cs
- CursorState.cs
- Disable.cs
- DoEvent.cs
- DontDestory.cs
- EasyTime.cs
- FadeInOut.cs
- Follow.cs
- InteractWithPhysics.cs
- LookAtTarget.cs
- OnCollision.cs
- OnCollision2D.cs
- PauseMenu.cs
- Pendulum.cs
- PosToPos.cs
- RandomEvent.cs
- RestartOnKey.cs
- Rotation.cs
- RotToRot.cs
- ScaleOnDistance.cs
- SolarSystem.cs
- UIEffects.cs
The UnityPresets project is open-source and available under the MIT License. The scripts, art, and prefabs in this repository are created by Marcel van Duijn and do not contain copyrighted material. You are free to use and copy files from this project in your Unity projects.
If you encounter any issues or bugs with the scripts/art/prefabs in this repository, please open an issue on the GitHub repository page
Social Info: Website Twitter LinkedIn Sketchfab Youbube ArtStation Instagram GitHub
First commit: Oct 8, 2020