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MegCC Release Tree

├── bin       :megcc release software, used to gen kernels and binded model
├── example   :example to use megcc
├── runtime   :runtime framework, should compile with generated kernels
└── script    :script used to pack resource used by pipeline
├── mgb-importer    : aux app, import mdl model and output model mlir
├── megcc-opt       : aux app, use megcc pass to optimize the mlir, it can show the detail of ir transform
├── mgb-runner      : aux app, run mdl model with mgb naive kernel, used to check megcc correctness
├── mgb-to-tinynn   : core app, megcc compiler, compile mdl model to kernel and binded model
└── kernel_exporter : aux app, export kernel C code of given kernel type 

Use Example In Android

  • Download the precompiled megcc from github
  • Extract the download tar file. tar -xvf megcc_release_*.tar.gz

Fast Try

warning: You should make sure a ndk is install in your computer,and set env NDK_ROOT to its direction

There are many scripts to help user compile a model and the recompile the generated kernel to SDK, user can use these scripts to have a glance.

Compile mobilenet model

  • Execute cd release,and ./example/,it will compile the mobilenet model store in the example dir,and generate megcc_gen that contains all resource needed by deploy. megcc_gen is also packed to megcc_ppl_gen.tar.gz

Run mobilenet example

warning: Make sure you have termux with rsync app that can access by ssh user@you_phone

  • Execute ./ will compile the kernel and runtime to a executable file.
  • Execute python3 --target user@you_phone ./ in megcc_gen directory, this command will send the build executable file to the target and execute it.

Megcc Compile Mobilenet Detail

There are there steps to finish compile the mobilenet model with MegCC.

  • First, describe models and cv kernels which pipeline need by json file.
  • Second, generate tinynn(runtime name) kernels and tinynn models by dumping the json file
  • Final, integrate tinynn src file and models to you pipeline with lite API.

Fill json File

Fill json file with all models and cv kernel the sdk needed. You need to specify which input shape is used for inference. If you may use two instance of input shape for one model, use : to separate two instance. For example:


Generate kernel and model with json file

Generate kernels and models which needed by sdk with prebuild mgb-to-tinynn app. There is a helper script named to dump the files and pack them to a tar file named megcc_ppl_gen.tar.gz.

  • Execute ./script/ ./bin/mgb-to-tinynn ./path/to/you.json megcc_gen --arm64. MegCC will compile models and dump new models with armv8 kernels, then pack the models, kernels, runtime file to megcc_ppl_gen.tar.gz.
  • Or execute ./script/ ./bin/mgb-to-tinynn ./path/to/you.json megcc_gen --arm64v7 to dump both kernel for armv8 and armv7. However model support both armv8 and armv7 will be larger than the one only support one arch.
  • Or execute ./script/ ./bin/mgb-to-tinynn ./path/to/you.json megcc_gen --armv7_with_dot to generate armv7 kernel using dot instructions when the target device is AArch32 with dotprod feature.

Integrate megcc

warning: You should make sure a NDK is installed in your computer,and set env NDK_ROOT to its direction

  • Unzip megcc_ppl_gen.tar.gz by execute tar -xvf megcc_ppl_gen.tar.gz and enter the extracted dir
    • if build runtime with armv8, execute ./
    • if build with armv7, execute ./ --cross_build_target_arch=armv7-a.
    • if build with armv7_with_dot, execute ./ --cross_build_target_arch=armv7-a --enable_aarch32_dot.
  • Then the new tinynn model is in model directory, header and lib is in ./build/install/. ./build/install/bin/tinynn_test_lite is an example to run model, which compile from the source file ./example/lite_main.c.
  • Integrate megcc with lite API to run tinynn model, reference to lite_main.c. Use CV API from tinycv_c.h to construct pipeline.

Check megcc correctness and performance

warning: You should make sure a ndk is install in your computer,and set env NDK_ROOT to its direction

warning: Make sure you have termux with rsync app that can access by ssh user@you_phone script will help you to check the result correctness and performance stand alone with MegEngine
Checking correctness and performance, execute python3 --target user@you_phone ./ --mdl="new_model_name_in_json_file:/path/to/the/origin/model.mdl",the log will report whether the result is correct.

Advanced usage

Megcc component is build on mlir. You can use these tools to explore the detail of compiling.


mgb-to-tinynn is core compiler, use --help to get more detail.
Execute ./bin/mgb-to-tinynn ./example/mobilenet.mdl --input-shapes="data=(1,3,224,224)" ./dump_kernel --arm64 --enable_nchw44 to dump mdl model to tiny model, and save kernel to dump_kernel directory.
Use --arm64v7 rather than --arm64 to dump both arm64 and armv7 kernel. It will make model bigger than the one only dumped for arm64 arch.
Use --enable_nchw44_dot to enable dot kernel support.
Use --save-model to pack tiny model to c file that you can embed model into runtime. It will be useful, if there is not file system in deploy environment
Use --decrypt to convert the model encrypted with hako to the MegEngine model, the output model file is saved in the decryption directory under the current folder.


mgb-importer is used to parse megengine mdl or mge model to mlir text. Reading mlir text will help you make clear the model detail.
Execute ./bin/mgb-importer example/mobilenet.mdl mobilenet.mlir to dump mdl model to mlir text. Explore the mlir file, module means model, ParamStorage means weights, func means compute graph, instruction in func means layer or op


mgb-runner is used to run megengine model and write result to file. It is used to check correctness of megcc by test_model script.
Execute ./bin/mgb-runner ./example/mobilenet.mdl ./mgb_out --input-shapes="data=(1,3,224,224)" --input-data="data=input_1_3_224_224_fp32.bin" with input bin file input_1_3_224_224_fp32.bin, result is stored in mgb_out directory


megcc-opt is used to show intermediate result of mgb-to-tinynn. You can get origin mlir from mgb-importer, and trans it to final mlir by --MGB-to-Kernel --finalizing-bufferize --memory-forwarding --static-memory-planning args.


export given kernel C code,get the implementation of given kernel type for different architecture。the ussage is as follow:

run with default attribute for given kernel
./kernel_exporter --arch <arch_type> --kernel <kernel_type> --use_default_attr
set attribute and run
./kernel_exporter --arch <arch_type> --kernel <kernel_type>

the specifical arch_type and kenrel_type can be seen by using --help option。the supported kenrel types:

ArgSortKernel           ArgmaxKernel                BatchMatmulKernel       CVTransposeKernel
ConcatKernel            ConvBackDataKernel          ConvKernel              CvtColorKernel
ElemwiseKernel          ElemwiseMultiKernel         FlipKernel              IndexingMultiAxisKernel
IndexingOneHotKernel    MatrixInvKernel             MatrixMulKernel         PoolingKernel
PowCKernel              ReduceKernel                RelayoutKernel          ResizeKernel
RoiCopyKernel           RotateKernel                TopK                    TypeCvtKernel
WarpAffineKernel        WarpPerspectiveKernel