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Version string parser for PHP

PHP utility used to parse application version strings, and retrieve information on the version, as well as convert it to a numeric build number (float or integer). Supports release tags like alpha, beta and reelease candidate, as well as custom branch names.

Supported version strings

The parser expects versions to be in the following format:


This allows the use of a wide range of version strings. Some examples:

  • 1
  • 1.1
  • 1.1.5
  • 1.145.147
  • 1.1.5-rc1
  • 1.1.5-beta
  • 1.1.5-beta2
  • 1.1.5-beta.42
  • 1.1.5-BranchName
  • 1.1.5-BranchName-alpha2
  • 1.1.5 BranchName A2 Spaces are allowed
  • 1.1.5 "Branch name" Quotes are stripped
  • 1.1.5 (BranchName) / Alpha 2 Special characters are filtered out
  • 1.1.5-DEV Branch Name Branch names after the tag type

Most special characters are filtered out, which means that it is very lenient in what is passed to it. After the version number, anything that is not a tag qualifier (beta, alpha, etc.) is considered the branch name.


Simply require the package with composer.

Via command line:

composer require mistralys/version-parser

Via composer.json:

    "require": {
      "mistralys/version-parser": "dev-master"


Getting individual version numbers

use Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$version = VersionParser::create('1.5.2');

$major = $version->getMajorVersion(); // 1
$minor = $version->getMinorVersion(); // 5
$patch = $version->getPatchVersion(); // 2

Getting a version without tag

use Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$version = VersionParser::create('1.5.2-RC3');

$number = $version->getVersion(); // 1.5.2

The version is normalized to show all three levels, even if they were not specified.

use Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$version = VersionParser::create('1');

$number = $version->getVersion(); // 1.0.0

Getting a short version

The method getShortVersion() retrieves a version string with the minimum possible levels.

use Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$version = VersionParser::create('1.0.0');

$number = $version->getVersion(); // 1

Getting the full version, normalized

use Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$version = VersionParser::create("1.2.0 'Cool Release' RC5");

$normalized = $version->getTagVersion(); // 1.0.0-CoolRelease-rc5

NOTE: The branch name is also normalized. Words are capitalized, and spaces are removed. Other special characters are preserved.

Checking the tag type

To check the release type, the shorthand methods isBeta(), isAlpha(), etc. can be used. See "Supported release tags" for details.

use Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$version = VersionParser::create('1.5.2-beta');

$isBeta = $version->isBeta(); // true

Alternatively, it is possible to check the tag type manually.

use Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$version = VersionParser::create('1.5.2-beta5');

if($version->getTagType() === VersionParser::TAG_TYPE_BETA)
	// is a beta version

The tag info object that can be accessed with the getTagInfo() method goes more in depth.

For example, the method getTagName() will return the tag type exactly as used in the version string, whereas getTagType() will only return the long type variant (e.g. beta instead of b):

use Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$tag = VersionParser::create('1.5.2-B2')->getTagInfo();

if($tag !== null)
    echo $tag->getTagName(); // b
    echo $tag->getTagType(); // beta

Getting the tag number

When no number is added to the tag, it is assumed that it is the tag #1.

use Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$version = VersionParser::create('1.5.2-beta');

$betaVersion = $version->getTagNumber(); // 1 (implicit)

With a number added:

use Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$version = VersionParser::create('1.5.2-beta5');

$betaVersion = $version->getTagNumber(); // 5

Getting the branch name

use Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$version = VersionParser::create('1.5.2-Foobar');

$hasBranch = $version->hasBranch(); // true
$branchName = $version->getBranchName(); // Foobar

This also works in combination with a release tag:

use Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$version = VersionParser::create('1.5.2-Foobar-RC1');

$hasBranch = $version->hasBranch(); // true
$branchName = $version->getBranchName(); // Foobar

Branch names may contain special characters. Quotes are filtered out:

use Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$version = VersionParser::create('1.5.2 "Foobar/42"');

$hasBranch = $version->hasBranch(); // true
$branchName = $version->getBranchName(); // Foobar/42

Setting the separator character

By default, the branch name and tag are separated with hyphens (-) when normalizing the version string. This can be adjusted to any character:

use Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$version = VersionParser::create('1.5.2-BranchName-alpha5');

echo $version

Will output:


Converting tag types to uppercase

By default, tag types are converted to lowercase when normalizing the version string. They can be switched to uppercase instead:

use Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$version = VersionParser::create('1.5.2-BranchName-alpha5');

echo $version

Will output:


Supported release tags

The parser will handle the following tags automatically, and assign them a build number value:

  • dev or snapshot - Development release, weight: 8
  • alpha - Alpha release, weight: 6
  • beta - Beta release, weight: 4
  • rc - Release candidate, weight: 2
  • patch - Patch/bugfix release, weight: 1
  • stable - Stable release, weight: 0

This means that comparing the same version numbers with different release tags will work. For example, 1.4-beta is considered a higher version than 1.4-alpha, because beta has a lower weight than alpha.

Numbering tags

Also supported is numbering tagged versions:

  • 1.0-alpha - Implied alpha1
  • 1.0-alpha2 - Alpha 2

Adding custom tags

If you use other tag types in your application's version strings, they can be added so the parser recognizes them:

use Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

// The third parameter is the short variant of the tag type.
VersionParser::registerTagType('foobar', 5, 'f');

$version = VersionParser::create('1.0.5-foobar2');
$short = VersionParser::create('1.0.5-F2');

echo $version->getTagType(); // foobar
echo $short->getTagType(); // foobar

If you mix custom tag types and the standard ones, be careful with the sorting weight you set for them, so they will be weighted correctly. If needed, you can change the weight of the default types to make more room.

This for example resets the weights for some existing tag types, and inserts new ones:

use Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$weight = 900; // Can be any number
VersionParser::registerTagType(VersionParser::TAG_TYPE_ALPHA, $weight--);
VersionParser::registerTagType(VersionParser::TAG_TYPE_BETA, $weight--);
VersionParser::registerTagType('foobar', $weight--);
VersionParser::registerTagType(VersionParser::TAG_TYPE_RELEASE_CANDIDATE, $weight--);
VersionParser::registerTagType('prefinal', $weight--);

NOTE: The weights are used in the generated build numbers. Changing the default tag type weights will change their build numbers as well.

Build numbers

The version strings are intelligently converted to numbers, to allow comparisons and sorting. This includes the release tags like alpha or beta, which are converted as well. The result is a build number which can be either a floating point number, or an integer.

NOTE: These numbers are not meant to be human-readable. Their sole purpose is to recognize version numbers programmatically.

There are two methods related to this:

use \Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$version = VersionParser::create('1.0-alpha2');

$float = $version->getBuildNumber();
$int = $version->getBuildNumberInt();

Sorting versions

The best way to sort versions is to use the build numbers, which allow numeric comparisons. Here's an example that sorts them in ascending order:

use \Mistralys\VersionParser\VersionParser;

$versions = array(

usort($versions, static function (VersionParser $a, VersionParser $b) : int {
    return $a->getBuildNumberInt() - $b->getBuildNumberInt();

This will sort the list the following way:

  1. 1.1.0
  2. 1.5.9-beta
  3. 1.5.9
  4. 2.0.0-alpha
  5. 2.0.0