Welcome if you are here for ps2classicsvault then you are in the right place. Our store contains games from the PS1, PS2 & PS3 in one place!
This project is open source and free to use, This project is 100% safe to use.
Virus Total Scan: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/01b94a296facb537a5d7ff328dadc9e9bd07093afd9c25c9252d5f3701397644/detection
View the install instructions.txt on how to install, you will need PKGi-PS3 to connect to our servers: https://bucanero.github.io/pkgi-ps3/
#NOTE: # You will need to download our official PS2CV configuration files for PKGI-PS3 app from here: https://github.com/PS2ClassicsVault/ps2classicsvault.github.io/releases
If anyone asks you to pay for this software, DO NOT PAY THEM. This software will always remain free and if someone is asking or making you pay to use this software they are attempting to steal personal information, money etc from you, always visit the official github and official social networks for PS2 Classics Vault.
All PS1, PS2 & PS3 Classics Vault games all require to be DIRECTLY downloaded and NOT background downloaded, this is because the PlayStation(R)3's background downloads mechanic will not properly save the content correctly resulting in users seeing an error when attempting to install the content. NPS (NoPayStation) content is not affected and can still be background downloaded, its only PS1/PS2/PS3 Classics Vault games that are affected. We also need to mention that PS2 Classics Vault is not assoicated or even affiliated with Sony Computer Entertainment Inc, this is a fan created project and is not officially endorsed by their respective owners. Please do not contact them to offcially support this project & ask for additional support. for support inquiries please submit a ticket either on this github or on our official sub reddit!
We do not condone piracy, we are only preserving the classics in a different form for the future. We also will NOT be providing any software that was developed by Nintendo so please do not ask us for nintendo content!
- Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ps2classicsvault
- Official Website: https://ps2classicsvault.github.io
- Official Discord: https://discord.gg/7xBm2XK9ZU
Patreon members have access to download out games to their PC, Priority Game Request fulfillment and a dedicated discord role.👍
All credits for PKGi and it's configurations files/source code goes to bucanero the ofifical developer of PKGI-PS3!