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Pipedream docs


Install asdf if you haven't already.

asdf install
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000/docs.

We use Nextra, a Next.js app. Nextra builds docs from the pages/ directory. All docs are MDX files (Markdown with React components / JSX).

Run yarn build before pushing to your branch to confirm everything builds OK.

VuePress -> Nextra

We're moving from VuePress to Nextra. Here's what's the same and what's different:

  • New docs are here, in the docs-v2/ directory.
  • All docs are still Markdown. Now MDX files instead of just Markdown, so extensions have been renamed to .mdx.
  • Keep images in public/images/foo.png, reference with ![alt text](/images/foo.png)
  • Leaf nodes in VuePress were at files like /docs/workflows/workspaces/sso/google/ Nextra allows leaf nodes to be non-index files like /docs/workflows/workspaces/sso/google.mdx, so there's no need for the final directory, which simplifies things.
  • VuePress used Vue, Nextra uses React. All of the custom components used in MDX files are either built-in Nextra components or Pipedream-specific components in components/, ported from Vue.
  • Learn the built-in Nextra components. All the ::: tip, ::: warning, or other special VuePress components have an equivalent Nextra component.


We use the Nextra Docs Theme, which adds functionality on the base Nextra app. Most of the features we use are well-documented there.

The Nextra docs and GitHub are great. Anything not specific to Nextra is likely a feature of Next.js or MDX, also well-maintained and modern projects as of 2024.

Check theme.config.tsx for the latest config.

Useful Nextra components

We use almost all of the Nextra built-in components in docs.

Adding new pages / routes

Nextra and Next.js tie routing closer to the directory structure of the app:

  index.mdx  # /docs
  data-stores.mdx  # /docs/data-stores
  http.mdx # /docs/http
    index.mdx  # /docs/workspaces
      index.mdx  # /docs/workflows/workspaces/sso
      google.mdx  # /docs/workflows/workspaces/sso/google

The _meta.tsx files in each directory defines a mapping between the labels in the sidebar and the files in that directory. If you want to add an item to the sidebar, you'll probably want to edit the _meta.tsx file. See the Nextra docs for more info.

Custom components

Use (and create!) custom components in components/. You'll see a lot of references to these components in the MDX.


If you need to add any custom redirects, e.g. when you move pages to a different directory, add then to the vercel.json file in this directory.

Adding new versions

Add a new version of docs by creating a new feature branch in the format of docs-v{number}-pathing.