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Under Active Development


This project is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by "Manor Lords" developer "Slavic Magic" or it's publisher "Hooded Horse"

For formal inquiries, contact me at any of the following emails:


Supported Mod Loaders

  1. Unreal Engine Pak Patcher
  2. RE-UE4SS


Why make this ?

I wanted a mod manager, named toolbox because it will be more than just a mod manager, it's not strictly just for Manor Lords, there will be implementation for it to work with other games built with Unreal Engine.

Why primarily Kotlin not C# or C++ or JS ?

Ergonomics, for me it's the most comfortable to work with at night.

Will this app stay relevant after mod support is out ?

Yes, even more.

Does this project accept source code contribution ?

Yes, but only for open issues, you will be properly credited.

Copyright 2024 Psiae Studio

This Work is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this work except in compliance with the License.

A copy of the License can be found in the LICENSE file in the repository containing this disclaimer
or at the following site:

The Work including Contribution from Contributors is provided on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND.