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File metadata and controls

183 lines (156 loc) · 7.23 KB

Build custom laravel validation rules easily

This package is under development, please do not use in production. You can download and test it.


Require the package with composer using the following command:

composer require shergela/validation-rule

Service Provider

return [

Build rules

Available rules

Methods Laravel Rule
Rule::required() required
Rule::nullable() nullable
Rule::boolean() boolean
Rule::rules() custom rules
->email() email
->uniqueEmail() unique:users,email
->min() min
->max() max
->minDigits() min_digits
->maxDigits() max_digits
->integer() integer
->numeric() numeric
->digits() digits:1
->digitsBetween() digits:1,4
->decimal() decimal
->alpha() alpha
->alphaDash() alpha_dash
->alphaNum() alpha_num
->string() string
->uppercase() uppercase
->lowercase() lowercase
->regex() regex:pattern
->hexColor() hex_color
->json() json
->url() url or url:http,https
->uuid() uuid
->ulid() ulid
->timezone() timezone
->date() date
->dateFormat() date_format
->dateEquals() date_equals
->dateBefore() before
->dateBeforeOrEqual() before_or_equal
->dateAfter() after
->dateAfterOrEqualToday() after_or_equal:today
->dateAfterOrEquals() after_or_equal
->ip() ip
->ipv4() ipv4
->ipv6() ipv6
->macAddress() mac_address
->startsWith() starts_with:foo,bar...
->size() size
->endsWith() ends_with:foo,bar
->doesntStartWith() doesnt_start_with:foo,bar
->doesntEndWith() doesnt_end_with:foo,bar
->in() in:foo,bar...
->notIn() not_in:foo,bar,baz...
->regex() regex:pattern
->uppercaseFirstLetter() new UppercaseFirstLetter()
->lowercaseFirstLetter() new TimezoneRegionValidation()
->separateIntegersByComma() new SeparateIntegersByComma()
->separateStringsByComma() new SeparateStringsByComma()
->separateStringsByUnderscore() new SeparateStringsByUnderscore()
->timezones() new TimezoneValidation()
->timezoneAsia() new TimezoneRegionValidation()
->timezoneEurope() new TimezoneRegionValidation()
->timezoneAmerica() new TimezoneRegionValidation()
->timezoneAntarctica() new TimezoneRegionValidation()
->timezoneArctic() new TimezoneRegionValidation()
->timezoneAtlantic() new TimezoneRegionValidation()
->timezoneAustralia() new TimezoneRegionValidation()
->timezoneIndian() new TimezoneRegionValidation()
->timezonePacific() new TimezoneRegionValidation()
->array() array
->arrayDistinct() distinct
->arrayDistinctStrict() distinct:strict
->arrayDistinctIgnoreCase() distinct:ignore_case
->uppercaseWord() Word must be a uppercase
->lowercaseWord() Word must be a lowercase
->lettersAndSpaces() Letters and spaces only

Writing custom rule and message

namespace App\Http\Requests;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
use Shergela\Validations\Validation\Rule;

class TestRequest extends FormRequest
* @return bool
public function authorize(): bool
    return true;

    public function rules(): array
        return [
            'name' => [
                    messages: [
                        'name.required' => 'The name field is required.',
                        'email.required' => 'The email field is required.',

Writing a custom message in the methods

    namespace App\Http\Requests;
    use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
    use Shergela\Validations\Validation\Rule;
    class TestRequest extends FormRequest
        * @return bool
          public function authorize(): bool
          return true;
          public function rules(): array
            return [
                'name' => Rule::required(message: 'Please :name enter your name')
                    ->min(min: 3, message: 'Please :name enter at least 3 characters'),


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License for more information.