chore: fix workflow
chore: fix workflow
Pull request merge
chore(release): 7.8.15 [skip ci]
chore(release): 7.8.15 [skip ci]
fix: use ?? instead of || for fallbacks in modalProps to allow empty …
fix: use ?? instead of || for fallbacks in modalProps to allow empty …
chore(release): 7.8.14 [skip ci]
chore(release): 7.8.14 [skip ci]
fix: pass empty subTitle to default delete confirmation modal
fix: pass empty subTitle to default delete confirmation modal
Pull request merge
fix: pass empty subTitle to default delete confirmation modal
fix: pass empty subTitle to default delete confirmation modal
chore(release): 7.8.13 [skip ci]
chore(release): 7.8.13 [skip ci]
fix: fix property type 'date' when backend returns an iso string
fix: fix property type 'date' when backend returns an iso string
Pull request merge
chore(release): 7.8.12 [skip ci]
chore(release): 7.8.12 [skip ci]
fix: fix ForbiddenError returning information about record
fix: fix ForbiddenError returning information about record
Pull request merge
fix: fix ForbiddenError returning information about record
fix: fix ForbiddenError returning information about record
Force push
fix: fix ForbiddenError returning information about record
fix: fix ForbiddenError returning information about record
fix: fix property type 'date' when backend returns an iso string
fix: fix property type 'date' when backend returns an iso string
chore(release): 7.8.11 [skip ci]
chore(release): 7.8.11 [skip ci]
fix: use actual default translation keys if not provided explicitly t…
fix: use actual default translation keys if not provided explicitly t…
chore(release): 7.8.10 [skip ci]
chore(release): 7.8.10 [skip ci]
fix: export action utility functions via frontend bundle entry
fix: export action utility functions via frontend bundle entry
chore(release): 7.8.9 [skip ci]
chore(release): 7.8.9 [skip ci]
chore(release): 7.8.8 [skip ci]
chore(release): 7.8.8 [skip ci]
fix: propertyType date should not convert to local timezone
fix: propertyType date should not convert to local timezone
Pull request merge
chore(release): 7.8.7 [skip ci]
chore(release): 7.8.7 [skip ci]
fix: use provided data-css in route wrapper if defined
fix: use provided data-css in route wrapper if defined
chore(release): 7.8.6 [skip ci]
chore(release): 7.8.6 [skip ci]
fix: add missing data-css attributes
fix: add missing data-css attributes
Pull request merge
fix: add missing data-css attributes
fix: add missing data-css attributes
chore(release): 7.8.5 [skip ci]
chore(release): 7.8.5 [skip ci]
fix: translate record property errors
fix: translate record property errors
Pull request merge
fix: translate record property errors
fix: translate record property errors
chore(release): 7.8.4 [skip ci]
chore(release): 7.8.4 [skip ci]