Please install the following:
- Install
as per - Configure a provider
- Run
vagrant up
and thenvagrant ssh
brew cask install virtualbox
brew cask install vagrant
You'll need to use QEMU instead of VirtualBox to use Vagrant on ARM. The following instructions will assume an M1 Mac as the host:
- Install QEMU:
brew install qemu
- Install the QEMU vagrant provider:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-qemu
- Provision the VM with the provider:
vagrant up --provider=qemu
You can set up the Vagrant environment with just one command:
vagrant up
After successfull installation you can ssh to the virtual machine with:
vagrant ssh
NOTICE: The directory with fluentd-output-sumologic repository on the host is synced with /sumologic/
directory on the virtual machine.
You can run tests using following commands:
cd /sumologic
bundle install
bundle exec rake