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A set of tools to manipulate text, i.e. making text from templates in C#/Python way is faster than fmt.Sprintf


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A set of a high performance string tools that helps to build strings from templates and process text faster than with fmt!!!. Slice printing is 50% faster with 8 items slice and 250% with 20 items slice

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String Formatter: a convenient string formatting tool

1. Features

  1. Text formatting with template using traditional for C#, Python programmers style - {0}, {name} that faster then fmt does: String Formatter: a convenient string formatting tool
  2. Additional text utilities:
    • convert map to string using one of predefined formats (see text_utils.go)

1. Text formatting from templates

1.1 Description

This is a GO module for template text formatting in syntax like in C# or/and Python using:

  • {n} , n here is a number to notes order of argument list to use i.e. {0}, {1}
  • {name} to notes arguments by name i.e. {name}, {last_name}, {address} and so on ...

1.2 Examples

1.2.1 Format by arg order

i.e. you have following template: "Hello {0}, we are greeting you here: {1}!"

if you call Format with args "manager" and "salesApp" :

formattedStr := stringFormatter.Format("Hello {0}, we are greeting you here: {1}!", "manager", "salesApp")

you get string "Hello manager, we are greeting you here: salesApp!"

1.2.2 Format by arg key

i.e. you have following template: "Hello {user} what are you doing here {app} ?"

if you call FormatComplex with args "vpupkin" and "mn_console" FormatComplex("Hello {user} what are you doing here {app} ?", map[string]any{"user":"vpupkin", "app":"mn_console"})

you get string "Hello vpupkin what are you doing here mn_console ?"

another example is:

strFormatResult = stringFormatter.FormatComplex(
	"Current app settings are: ipAddr: {ipaddr}, port: {port}, use ssl: {ssl}.", 
	map[string]any{"ipaddr":"", "port":5432, "ssl":false},

a result will be: `"Current app settings are: ipAddr:, port: 5432, use ssl: false."``

1.2.3 Advanced arguments formatting

For more convenient lines formatting we should choose how arguments are representing in output text, stringFormatter supports following format options:

  1. Bin number formatting
    • {0:B}, 15 outputs -> 1111
    • {0:B8}, 15 outputs -> 00001111
  2. Hex number formatting
    • {0:X}, 250 outputs -> fa
    • {0:X4}, 250 outputs -> 00fa
  3. Oct number formatting
    • {0:o}, 11 outputs -> 14
  4. Float point number formatting
    • {0:E2}, 191.0478 outputs -> 1.91e+02
    • {0:F}, 10.4567890 outputs -> 10.456789
    • {0:F4}, 10.4567890 outputs -> 10.4568
    • {0:F8}, 10.4567890 outputs -> 10.45678900
  5. Percentage output
    • {0:P100}, 12 outputs -> 12%
  6. Lists
    • {0:L-}, [1,2,3] outputs -> 1-2-3
    • {0:L, }, [1,2,3] outputs -> 1, 2, 3
1.2.4 Benchmarks of the Format and FormatComplex functions

benchmark could be running using following commands from command line:

  • to see Format result - go test -bench=Format -benchmem -cpu 1
  • to see fmt result - go test -bench=Fmt -benchmem -cpu 1

2. Text utilities

2.1 Map to string utility

MapToString function allows to convert map with primitive key to string using format, including key and value, e.g.:

  • {key} => {value}
  • {key} : {value}
  • {value}

For example:

options := map[string]any{
	"connectTimeout": 1000,
	"useSsl":         true,
	"login":          "sa",
	"password":       "sa",

str := stringFormatter.MapToString(&options, "{key} : {value}", ", ")
// NOTE: order of key-value pairs is not guranteed though
// str will be something like:
"connectTimeout : 1000, useSsl : true, login : sa, password : sa"

2.2 Benchmarks of the MapToString function

  • to see MapToStr result - go test -bench=MapToStr -benchmem -cpu 1

MapToStr benchmarks

2.3 Slice to string utility

SliceToString - function that converts slice with passed separation between items to string.

slice := []any{100, "200", 300, "400", 500, 600, "700", 800, 1.09, "hello"}
separator := ","
result := stringFormatter.SliceToString(&slice, &separator)

SliceSameTypeToString - function that converts typed slice to line with separator

separator := ":"
numericSlice := []int{100, 200, 400, 800}
result := stringFormatter.SliceSameTypeToString(&numericSlice, &separator)

2.4 Benchmarks of the SliceToString function

sf is rather fast then fmt 2.5 times (250%) faster on slice with 20 items, see benchmark: SliceToStr benchmarks

3. Contributors