issues Search Results · repo:akaita/RxJava2Debug language:Java
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inakaita/RxJava2Debug (press backspace or delete to remove)Hello @akaita Is this or some other library of yours is going to support RxJava 3 or maybe you know another library that
does it?
Please help
- 1
- Opened on Nov 10, 2022
- #16
Is it possible to use this library without Crashlytics? I need to view exceptions in Android Studio logcat only.
- 1
- Opened on May 12, 2019
- #15
RxJava version : 2.2.8 2.2.1 (tested in both versions) RxJava2Debug version : 1.4.0
Code (in Kotlin, in Android)
val tmp = Observable.just(Unit)
.flatMap {
Observable.just(1, 2).delay(1000, ...
- Opened on May 2, 2019
- #14
I integrated this library into a project that heavily uses RxJava. Unfortunately enabling the assembly tracking resulted
in a non-acceptable performance drop.
Profiling without RxJava2Debug: RxJava2DebugDisabled ...
- Opened on Mar 26, 2019
- #13
Could you please merge akarnokd pull request with fixes and release new version of the lib? Because now lib can t work
with new RxJava.
- 1
- Opened on Sep 26, 2018
- #11
Like this
img width= 1193 alt= image src=
- 2
- Opened on Aug 17, 2018
- #9
Program type already present: hu.akarnokd.rxjava2.debug.SingleOnAssembly
RxJava2Debug exports one of RxJava2Extensions package. Which breaks build if original RxJava2Extensions is also used.
- 3
- Opened on Jul 8, 2018
- #8
Hello, quick question:
I guess that this stacktrace filtering feature will not work with obfuscated stacktraces as proguard moves all the files
into a package called o .
Any thoughts on this?
Thanks ...
- 1
- Opened on Jun 13, 2018
- #7
Original stacktrace:
FATAL EXCEPTION: pool-13-thread-2 Process:, PID: 7141
io.reactivex.exceptions.OnErrorNotImplementedException: TEST exception!!! at
io.reactivex.internal.functions.Functions$OnErrorMissingConsumer.accept( ...
- 7
- Opened on Feb 20, 2018
- #6

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