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build(deps): update dependency igniteui-angular to v15 (latest) #8313

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@angular-robot angular-robot commented Jan 3, 2023

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
igniteui-angular (source) dependencies major 14.0.4 -> 15.0.6

Release Notes



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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@15.0.5...15.0.6


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@15.0.4...15.0.5


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@15.0.3...15.0.4


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@15.0.2...15.0.3


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@15.0.1...15.0.2


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  • IgxGrid
    • Added new auto-sizing API recalculateAutoSizes that recalculates widths of columns that have size set to auto. Can be used in scenarios where you want to auto-size the columns again post initialization.
  • igxPivotGrid
    • Adding aggregatorName for pivot value configuration as an alternative to setting aggregator function. If both are set aggregatorName takes precedent. If none are set an error is thrown.


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New Features
  • igxGrid - exposing new Input properties:

    • Parameters in grid templates now have types for their context. This can also cause issues if the app is in strict template mode and uses the wrong type. References to the template that may require conversion:

        • IgxColumnComponent - ColumnType (for example the column parameter in igxFilterCellTemplate)
        • IgxGridCell - CellType (for example the cell parameter in igxCell template)
    • A new groupRecord parameter has been exposed in operate method, that is an IGroupByRecord object describing the grouped row in case grouping is applied.

    • excelStyleHeaderIconTemplate - Gets/Sets the excel style header icon.

    • groupRowTemplate - Gets/Sets the template reference for the group row.

    • headSelectorTemplate - Gets/Sets the header row selector template.

    • rowSelectorTemplate - Gets/Sets the custom template used for row selectors.

    • groupByRowSelectorTemplate - Gets/Sets the custom template used for the group row selectors.

    • sortHeaderIconTemplate - Gets/Sets a custom template that should be used when rendering a header sorting indicator when columns are not sorted.

    • sortAscendingHeaderIconTemplate - Gets/Sets a custom template that should be used when rendering a header sorting indicator when columns are sorted in asc order.

    • sortDescendingHeaderIconTemplate - Gets/Sets a custom template that should be used when rendering a header sorting indicator when columns are sorted in desc order.

    • rowEditActionsTemplate - Gets/Sets the row edit actions template.

    • rowAddTextTemplate - Gets/Sets the row add text template.

    • rowEditTextTemplate - Gets/Sets the row edit text template.

    • dragGhostCustomTemplate - Gets/Sets the custom template used for row drag.

    • dragIndicatorIconTemplate - Gets/Sets the custom template used for row drag indicator.

    • detailTemplate - Gets/Sets the master-detail template.

  • IgxGridToolbar

    • Breaking Change - The IgxGridToolbarTitleDirective and IgxGridToolbarActionsDirective have been converted to components, keeping only the element selector. For apps using the preferred element markup of <igx-grid-toolbar-title> and <igx-grid-toolbar-actions> there should be no functional change. Apps using the igxGridToolbarTitle and igxGridToolbarActions directives on other elements will need to convert those to the mentioned elements instead.

    • Behavioral Change - When adding new row in grid with enabled batch editing, rowChangesCount displays the number of the defined columns.

  • IgxGrid, IgxTreeGrid, IgxHierarchicalGrid

    • Behavioral Change - When editing a row, rowChangesCount and hiddenColumnsCountwould be displayed.
    • Behavioral Change - The Grid Paginator component is no longer hidden when there's no data and/or all columns are hidden.
  • IgxExcelExporterService

    • Added support for exporting grid summaries.
    • Columns of type currency will be formatted as currency in Excel based on grid's locale. Locale currency different than USD, EUR, GBP, CNY or JPY will result in exporting the column as number instead.
  • IgxGrid, IgxTreeGrid, IgxHierarchicalGrid, IgxPivotGrid

    • Adding Image column data type
  • IgxCalendar

    Added support for shift key + mouse click interactions.

    • multi mode - select/deselect all dates between the last selected/deselected and the one clicked while holding Shift.
    • range mode - extend/shorten the range from the last selected date to the one clicked while holding Shift.
  • IgxFilterOptions

    • Added support for multiple keys.
Theme Changes
  • Breaking Changes - The palette function no longer provides info, success, warn and error colors. Therefore you have to pass custom values for them if you need to use these colors. You can also use the values for info, success, warn and error colors from our predefined color palettes.

    • Code example:
    // Mandatory colors
    $primary-color: #&#8203;2a38b7;
    $secondary-color: #f96a88;
    $surface-color: #e1ebe4;
    // Additional colors
    $error-color: color($light-fluent-palette, 'error');
    $warn-color: color($light-fluent-palette, 'warn');
    $info-color: color($light-fluent-palette, 'info');
    $success-color: color($light-fluent-palette, 'success');
    // Creating custom palette
    $my-color-palette: palette(
        $primary: $primary-color,
        $secondary: $secondary-color,
        $surface: $surface-color,
        $error: $error-color,
        $warn: $warn-color,
        $info: $info-color,
        $success: $success-color


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.2.12...14.2.13


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.2.11...14.2.12


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.2.10...14.2.11


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.2.9...14.2.10


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.2.8...14.2.9


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.2.7...14.2.8


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.2.6...14.2.7


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.2.5...14.2.6


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.2.4...14.2.5


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.2.3...14.2.4


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.2.2...14.2.3


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.2.1...14.2.2


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.2.0...14.2.1


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New Features
  • The filtering logic inside the grid's Advanced Filtering is now extracted as a separate IgxQueryBuilder component. The Query Builder allows you to build complex queries by specifying AND/OR operators, conditions and values using the UI. It outputs an object describing the structure of the query. Use the locale property to modify the locale settings. The default value is resolved to the global Angular application locale. The resourceStrings allows changing the displayed strings.

    • Code example below:
    <igx-query-builder [fields]="fields">
        <!-- Custom header -->
        <igx-query-builder-header [title]="'Custom title'"
  • IgxExcelExporterService

    • Added support for exporting igxPivotGrid.
  • Breaking Changes - The Excel exporter service exportEnded event has its xlsx argument type changed as igniteui-angular no longer depends on JSZip. Instead of providing a JSZip instance it is now an object describing the structure of the Excel file with property names corresponding to folders or files, folders being objects themselves that can be traversed down, while files have their contents as Uint8Array. The same structure is used to package as a zip file by fflate's API.
  • IgxDropDown
    • The aria-label attribute of the IgxDropDownItemBase can now be se to a custom value for its descendants (of which IgxDropDownItem) by the ariaLabel property.


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.1.2...14.1.3


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.1.1...14.1.2


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.1.0...14.1.1


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New Features
  • IgxCombo and IgxSimpleComboComponent

    • filterFunction input is added. The new property allows changing of the way filtering is done in the combos. By default filtering is made over the values in combo's data when it is a collection of primitive values, or over the values as defined in displayKey of the combo. If custom filtering function is provided filtering will be done as specified in the provided function.
    • filteringOptions are extended and now contains filterable and filteringKey properties. Setting filterable determines whether combo will be filterable. By default filtering is done over the data value when they are primitive, or over the field of the values equal to displayKey. filteringKey allows to filter data by any data related key.
  • igxPivotGrid

    • Add option to template the pivot value chip content:
    <ng-template igxPivotValueChip let-value>
            {{ value.member }}
    • Add support for usage with igxGridState to persist state of the pivotConfiguration with an additional pivotConfiguration option:
            [igxGridState]="options" ...
        public options : IGridStateOptions = {
        pivotConfiguration: true

    One known issue of the igxGridState directive is that it cannot store functions as the state is stored as string.
    As a result any custom functions set to memberFunction, aggregator, formatter, styles etc. will not be stored. Restoring any of these can be achieved with code on application level.
    Hence we have also exposed 2 new events:
    - dimensionInit - emits when a dimension from the configuration is being initialized.
    - valueInit - emits when a value from the configuration is being initialized.
    Which can be used to set back any custom functions you have in the configuration.
    The default aggregator function, like the ones from IgxPivotNumericAggregate, IgxPivotDateAggregate etc., will be restored out of the box. However if you have any custom aggregators (or other custom functions) they need to be set back in the valueInitevent, for example:

        public onValueInit(value: IPivotValue) {
        if (value.member === 'AmountOfSale') {
            value.aggregate.aggregator = IgxTotalSaleAggregate.totalSale;

    Same applies to any custom functions on the dimension, like memberFunction. If it is a custom function you can set it back on the dimensionInit event:

     public onDimensionInit(dim: IPivotDimension) {
        if (dim.memberName === 'AllCities') {
            dim.memberFunction = () => 'All';
    • igxGridState:
      Exposed a stateParsed event to the state directive that can be used to additionally modify the grid state before it gets applied.
    this.state.stateParsed.subscribe(parsedState => {
            parsedState.sorting.forEach(x => x.strategy = NoopSortingStrategy.instance());
  • igxGrid

    • Added built-in validation mechanism for Grid Editing. Extends the Angular Form validation functionality
      You can configure it in 2 ways:

      1. Via template-driven configuration on the igx-column of the grid:

        <igx-column required minlength="4" ...>
      2. Via reactive forms using the FormGroup exposed via the formGroupCreated event of the grid:

        <igx-grid (formGroupCreated)='formCreateHandler($event)' ...>
        public formCreateHandler(formGr: FormGroup) {
            // add a validator
            const prodName = formGr.get('UserName');

      Edited cells will enter an invalid state when validation fails and will show an error icon and message. Cell will remain invalid until the value is edited to a valid value or the related state in the validation service is cleared.

      You can refer to the documentation for more details:

    • Added ability to auto-size columns to the size of their cells and header content on initialization by setting width auto:

    <column width='auto' ...>
    • Added support for restoring filtering expressions with custom filtering operands for the IgxGridStateDirective.
  • Added the IgcFormControl directive that, when imported with its IgcFormsModule, is designed to seamlessly attach to form components from the Ignite UI for WebComponents package and allows using them in Angular templates and reactive forms with support for ngModel and formControlName directives. Currently the only Web Component with support through the directive is igc-rating.

  • Breaking Changes - filterable property of IgxComboComponent is now deprecated and will be removed in future version. Use filteringOptions.filterable instead.
Theme Changes
  • Breaking Changes - $disable-shadow property of IgxTabsComponent theme has been removed.


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.0.16...14.0.17


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.0.15...14.0.16


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.0.14...14.0.15


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.0.13...14.0.14


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.0.12...14.0.13


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.0.11...14.0.12


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.0.10...14.0.11


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  • Leave the tree component with auto height


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.0.8...14.0.9


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.0.7...14.0.8


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.0.6...14.0.7


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.0.5...14.0.6


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What's Changed

Full Changelog: IgniteUI/igniteui-angular@14.0.3...14.0.5


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@angular-robot angular-robot enabled auto-merge (rebase) January 3, 2023 14:27
@angular-robot angular-robot force-pushed the ng-renovate/latest-igniteui-angular-15-x branch from 147e7f0 to 2faa3b5 Compare January 9, 2023 14:56
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