The outline for this document in GitHub is available at top-right corner button (with 3-dots and 3 lines).
Airflow is a complex project, but setting up a working environment is quite simple if you follow the guide.
There are three ways you can run the Airflow dev env:
- With a local virtual environment (on your local machine)
- With Docker Containers and Docker Compose (on your local machine). This environment is managed with the Breeze tool written in Python that makes environment management, yeah you guessed it - a breeze.
- With a remote, managed environment (via remote development environment)
Before deciding which method to choose, there are a couple of factors to consider:
- In most cases, installing Airflow in a local environment might be sufficient. For a comprehensive local virtualenv tutorial, visit Local virtualenv
- Running Airflow in a container is the most reliable and repeatable way: it provides a more consistent environment - with almost no dependencies (except docker) on your Host OS / machine and allows integration tests with a number of integrations (Cassandra, MongoDB, MySQL, etc.). However, it also requires 4GB RAM, 40GB disk space and at least 2 cores.
- You need to have a (usually paid) account to access managed, remote virtual environments.
If you do not work in a remote development environment, you will need these prerequisites:
- UV is recommended for managing Python versions and virtual environments
- Docker Community Edition (you can also use Colima or others, see instructions below)
- Docker buildx
- Docker Compose
The below setup describes Ubuntu installation. It might be slightly different on different machines.
- Installing required packages for Docker and setting up docker repo
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install \
ca-certificates \
curl \
gnupg \
sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
echo \
"deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] \
$(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
- Install Docker Engine, containerd
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
- Manage docker as non-root user
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
This is done so a non-root user can access the docker
After adding user to docker group Logout and Login again for group membership re-evaluation.
On some Linux distributions, the system automatically creates this group.
- Test Docker installation
docker run hello-world
Read more about Linux post-installation steps for Docker Engine.
If you use Colima as your container runtimes engine, please follow the next steps:
- Install buildx manually and follow its instructions
- Link the Colima socket to the default socket path. Note that this may break other Docker servers
sudo ln -sf $HOME/.colima/default/docker.sock /var/run/docker.sock
- Change docker context to use default
docker context use default
- Installing latest version of the Docker Compose plugin
Install using the repository:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin
Install manually:
COMPOSE_VERSION="$(curl -s | grep '"tag_name":'\
| cut -d '"' -f 4)"
docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)"
sudo curl -L "${COMPOSE_URL}" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
This option requires you to manage updates manually. It is recommended that you set up Docker's repository for easier maintenance.
- Verifying installation
docker-compose --version
- While you can use any virtualenv manager, we recommend using UV as your build and integration frontend. You can read more about UV and it's use in Airflow in Local virtualenv.
- After creating the environment, you need to install a few more required packages for Airflow. The below command adds basic system-level dependencies on Debian/Ubuntu-like system. You will have to adapt it to install similar packages if your operating system is MacOS or another flavour of Linux
sudo apt install openssl sqlite3 default-libmysqlclient-dev libmysqlclient-dev postgresql
If you want to install all airflow providers, more system dependencies might be needed. For example on Debian/Ubuntu
like system, this command will install all necessary dependencies that should be installed when you use
extras while installing airflow.
sudo apt install apt-transport-https apt-utils build-essential ca-certificates dirmngr \
freetds-bin freetds-dev git graphviz graphviz-dev krb5-user ldap-utils libffi-dev \
libkrb5-dev libldap2-dev libpq-dev libsasl2-2 libsasl2-dev libsasl2-modules \
libssl-dev locales lsb-release openssh-client sasl2-bin \
software-properties-common sqlite3 sudo unixodbc unixodbc-dev
Goto and fork the project
Goto your github account's fork of airflow click on
you will find the link to your repoFollow Cloning a repository to clone the repo locally (you can also do it in your IDE - see the Using your IDE chapter below
For windows based machines, on cloning, the Git line endings may be different from unix based systems and might lead to unexpected behaviour on running breeze tooling. Manually setting a property will mitigate this issue. Set it to true for windows.
git config core.autocrlf true
Before committing changes to github or raising a pull request, the code needs to be checked for certain quality standards such as spell check, code syntax, code formatting, compatibility with Apache License requirements etc. This set of tests are applied when you commit your code.
To avoid burden on our CI infrastructure and to save time, Pre-commit hooks can be run locally before committing changes.
We have recently started to recommend uv
for our local development.
Remember to have global python set to Python >= 3.9 - Python 3.8 is end-of-life already and we've started to use Python 3.9+ features in Airflow and accompanying scripts.
Installing pre-commit is best done with uv
(recommended) or pipx
- Installing required packages
on Debian / Ubuntu, install via
sudo apt install libxml2-utils
on macOS, install via
brew install libxml2
- Installing pre-commit:
You might need to pass --python <python>
to force the python version if not it uses the latest system python version.
python value can be fetched from uv python list
uv tool install pre-commit --with pre-commit-uv
You can add uv
support for pre-commit
even if you've installed it with pipx
using the commands
(then pre-commit will use uv
to create virtualenvs for the hooks):
pipx install pre-commit
pipx install inject pre-commit pre-commit-uv # optional, configures pre-commit to use uv to install virtualenvs
- Go to your project directory
cd ~/Projects/airflow
- Running pre-commit hooks
pre-commit run --all-files
No-tabs checker......................................................Passed
Add license for all SQL files........................................Passed
Add license for all other files......................................Passed
Add license for all rst files........................................Passed
Add license for all JS/CSS/PUML files................................Passed
Add license for all JINJA template files.............................Passed
Add license for all shell files......................................Passed
Add license for all python files.....................................Passed
Add license for all XML files........................................Passed
Add license for all yaml files.......................................Passed
Add license for all md files.........................................Passed
Add license for all mermaid files....................................Passed
Add TOC for md files.................................................Passed
Add TOC for upgrade documentation....................................Passed
Check hooks apply to the repository..................................Passed
Check for merge conflicts............................................Passed
Debug Statements (Python)............................................Passed
Check builtin type constructor use...................................Passed
Detect Private Key...................................................Passed
Fix End of Files.....................................................Passed
- Running pre-commit for selected files
pre-commit run --files airflow/utils/ tests/utils/
- Running specific hook for selected files
pre-commit run black --files airflow/ tests/utils/
pre-commit run ruff --files airflow/ tests/utils/
Run ruff............................................................Passed
- Enabling Pre-commit check before push
It will run pre-commit automatically before committing and stops the commit on failure
cd ~/Projects/airflow
pre-commit install
git commit -m "Added xyz"
- To disable Pre-commit
cd ~/Projects/airflow
pre-commit uninstall
- For more information on this visit 08_static_code_checks.rst
Following are some of the important links of 08_static_code_checks.rst
For many of the development tasks you will need Breeze
to be configured. Breeze
is a development
environment which uses docker and docker-compose and its main purpose is to provide a consistent
and repeatable environment for all the contributors and CI. When using Breeze
you avoid the "works for me"
syndrome - because not only others can reproduce easily what you do, but also the CI of Airflow uses
the same environment to run all tests - so you should be able to easily reproduce the same failures you
see in CI in your local environment.
- Install
. We recommend to installuv
as the general purpose python development environment - you can install it via or you can installpipx
(>=1.2.1) - follow the instructions in Install pipx It is important to install version of pipx >= 1.2.1 to workaroundpackaging
breaking change introduced in September 2023 - Run
uv tool install -e ./dev/breeze
(orpipx install -e ./dev/breeze
in your checked-out repository. Make sure to follow any instructions printed during the installation - this is needed to make sure that thebreeze
command is available in your PATH
If you see below warning while running pipx - it means that you have hit the
known issue with packaging
version 23.2:
⚠️ Ignoring --editable install option. pipx disallows it for anything but a local path,
to avoid having to create a new src/ directory.
The workaround is to downgrade packaging to 23.1 and re-running the pipx install
command, for example
by running pip install "packaging<23.2"
pip install "packaging==23.1"
pipx install -e ./dev/breeze --force
- Initialize breeze autocomplete
breeze setup autocomplete
- Initialize breeze environment with required python version and backend. This may take a while for first time.
breeze --python 3.9 --backend postgres
If you encounter an error like "docker.credentials.errors.InitializationError: docker-credential-secretservice not installed or not available in PATH", you may execute the following command to fix it:
sudo apt install golang-docker-credential-helper
Once the package is installed, execute the breeze command again to resume image building.
- When you enter the Breeze environment you should see a prompt similar to
. This means that you are inside the Breeze container and ready to run most of the development tasks. You can leave the environment withexit
and re-enter it with justbreeze
command - Once you enter the Breeze environment, create airflow tables and users from the breeze CLI.
airflow db reset
is required to execute at least once for Airflow Breeze to get the database/tables created. If you run tests, however - the test database will be initialized automatically for you
root@b76fcb399bb6:/opt/airflow# airflow db reset
root@b76fcb399bb6:/opt/airflow# airflow users create \
--username admin \
--firstname FIRST_NAME \
--lastname LAST_NAME \
--role Admin \
airflow users
command is only available when FAB auth manager is enabled.
- Exiting the Breeze environment. After successfully finishing above command will leave you in container,
to exit the container. The database created before will remain and servers will be running though, until you stop the Breeze environment completely
root@b76fcb399bb6:/opt/airflow# exit
- You can stop the environment (which means deleting the databases and database servers running in the
background) via
breeze down
breeze down
- Starting the Breeze environment using
breeze start-airflow
starts the Breeze environment with last configuration run( In this case Python version and backend are picked up from last executionbreeze --python 3.9 --backend postgres
) It also automatically starts the webserver, triggerer, dag processor, FastAPI api and scheduler. It drops you in tmux with triggerer to the right, and Scheduler, FastAPI API, DAG processor and webserver from left to right at the bottom. Use[Ctrl + B] and Arrow keys
to navigate.
breeze start-airflow
Use CI image.
Branch name: main
Docker image:
Airflow source version: 2.4.0.dev0
Python version: 3.9
Backend: mysql 5.7
* Port forwarding:
Ports are forwarded to the running docker containers for webserver and database
* 12322 -> forwarded to Airflow ssh server -> airflow:22
* 28080 -> forwarded to Airflow api server API -> airflow:8080
* 25555 -> forwarded to Flower dashboard -> airflow:5555
* 25433 -> forwarded to Postgres database -> postgres:5432
* 23306 -> forwarded to MySQL database -> mysql:3306
* 26379 -> forwarded to Redis broker -> redis:6379
Direct links to those services that you can use from the host:
* ssh connection for remote debugging: ssh -p 12322 airflow@ (password: airflow)
* API server:
* Flower:
* Postgres: jdbc:postgresql://
* Mysql: jdbc:mysql://
* Redis: redis://
Alternatively you can start the same using the following commands
- Start Breeze
breeze --python 3.9 --backend postgres
- Open tmux
root@0c6e4ff0ab3d:/opt/airflow# tmux
- Press Ctrl + B and "
root@0c6e4ff0ab3d:/opt/airflow# airflow scheduler
- Press Ctrl + B and %
root@0c6e4ff0ab3d:/opt/airflow# airflow api-server
- Press Ctrl + B and %
root@0c6e4ff0ab3d:/opt/airflow# airflow dag-processor
- Press Ctrl + B and up arrow followed by Ctrl + B and %
root@0c6e4ff0ab3d:/opt/airflow# airflow triggerer
- Press Ctrl + B followed by (Optional step for better tile arrangement)
:select-layout tiled
Now you can access airflow web interface on your local machine at http://localhost:28080 with user name
and passwordadmin
Setup a PostgreSQL database in your database management tool of choice (e.g. DBeaver, DataGrip) with host
, port25433
, userpostgres
, passwordairflow
, and default schemaairflow
Stopping breeze
If breeze
was started with breeze start-airflow
, this command will stop breeze and Airflow:
root@f3619b74c59a:/opt/airflow# stop_airflow
breeze down
If breeze
was started with breeze --python 3.9 --backend postgres
(or similar):
root@f3619b74c59a:/opt/airflow# exit
breeze down
is available only when breeze is started with breeze start-airflow
- Knowing more about Breeze
breeze --help
Following are some of important topics of Breeze documentation:
- Breeze Installation
- Installing Additional tools to the Docker Image
- Regular developer tasks
- Cleaning the environment
- Troubleshooting Breeze environment
- It may require some packages to be installed; watch the output of the command to see which ones are missing
sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev postgresql
- Add following line to ~/.bashrc in order to call breeze command from anywhere
export PATH=${PATH}:"/home/${USER}/Projects/airflow"
source ~/.bashrc
You can usually conveniently run tests in your IDE (see IDE below) using virtualenv but with Breeze you can be sure that all the tests are run in the same environment as tests in CI.
All Tests are inside ./tests directory.
Running Unit tests inside Breeze environment.
Just run
pytest filepath+filename
to run the tests.
root@63528318c8b1:/opt/airflow# pytest tests/utils/
============================================================= test session starts ==============================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.20, pytest-8.3.3, pluggy-1.5.0 -- /usr/local/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /opt/airflow
configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: anyio-4.6.0, time-machine-2.15.0, icdiff-0.9, rerunfailures-14.0, instafail-0.5.0, custom-exit-code-0.3.0, xdist-3.6.1, mock-3.14.0, cov-5.0.0, asyncio-0.24.0, requests-mock-1.12.1, timeouts-1.2.1
asyncio: mode=strict, default_loop_scope=None
setup timeout: 0.0s, execution timeout: 0.0s, teardown timeout: 0.0s
collected 4 items
tests/utils/ PASSED [ 25%]
tests/utils/ PASSED [ 50%]
tests/utils/ PASSED [ 75%]
tests/utils/ PASSED [100%]
================================================================== 4 passed in 3.30s ===================================================================
- Running All the tests with Breeze by specifying the required python version, backend, backend version
breeze --backend postgres --postgres-version 15 --python 3.9 --db-reset testing tests --test-type All
Running specific type of test
breeze --backend postgres --postgres-version 15 --python 3.9 --db-reset testing tests --test-type Core
Running Integration test for specific test type
breeze --backend postgres --postgres-version 15 --python 3.9 --db-reset testing tests --test-type All --integration mongo
For more information on Testing visit 09_testing.rst
Similarly to regular development, you can also debug while testing using your IDE, for more information, you may refer to
- To know how to contribute to the project visit README.rst
Following are some of the important links of Contribution documentation
Go to your GitHub account and open your fork project and click on Branches
Click on
New pull request
button on branch from which you want to raise a pull requestAdd title and description as per Contributing guidelines and click on
Create pull request
Often it takes several days or weeks to discuss and iterate with the PR until it is ready to merge.
In the meantime new commits are merged, and you might run into conflicts, therefore you should periodically
synchronize main in your fork with the apache/airflow
main and rebase your PR on top of it. Following
describes how to do it.
If you are familiar with Python development and use your favourite editors, Airflow can be setup similarly to other projects of yours. However, if you need specific instructions for your IDE you will find more detailed instructions here:
In order to use remote development environment, you usually need a paid account, but you do not have to setup local machine for development.
Once you have your environment set up, you can start contributing to Airflow. You can find more about ways you can contribute in the How to contribute document.