Python client for Ballista.
This project is versioned and released independently from the main Ballista project and is intentionally not part of the default Cargo workspace so that it doesn't cause overhead for maintainers of the main Ballista codebase.
Current approach is to support datafusion python API, there are know limitations of current approach, with some cases producing errors. We trying to come up with the best approach to support datafusion python interface. More details could be found at #1142
Creates a new context and connects to a Ballista scheduler process.
from ballista import BallistaBuilder
>>> ctx = BallistaBuilder().standalone()
>>> ctx.sql("create external table t stored as parquet location './testdata/test.parquet'")
>>> df = ctx.sql("select * from t limit 5")
>>> pyarrow_batches = df.collect()
>>> df = ctx.read_parquet('./testdata/test.parquet').limit(5)
>>> pyarrow_batches = df.collect()
Scheduler and executors can be configured and started from python code.
To start scheduler:
from ballista import BallistaScheduler
scheduler = BallistaScheduler()
For executor:
from ballista import BallistaExecutor
executor = BallistaExecutor()
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
maturin develop
Note that you can also run maturin develop --release
to get a release build locally.
python3 -m pytest