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Committer Tools

This directory contains scripts to help Apache Kafka committers with a few chores. Some of the scripts require a GitHub API token with write permissions. Only committers will be able to utilize such scripts.


  • Python 3.x and pip
  • The GitHub CLI


1. Check Python installation

Check if Python and pip are installed in your system.

python --version
pip --version

2. Set up a virtual environment (optional)

python -m venv venv

# For Linux/macOS
source venv/bin/activate

# On Windows:
# .\venv\Scripts\activate

3. Install the required dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Install the GitHub CLI


brew install gh

Find Reviewers and Update to PR body

The script is used to simplify the process of producing our "Reviewers:" Git trailer to PR body. It parses the Git log to gather a set of "Authors" and "Reviewers". Some simple string prefix matching is done to find candidates. After entering the pull request number, the script updates the "Reviewers:" trailer accordingly. If the PR body already contains a "Reviewers:" trailer, the script replaces it with the updated list of reviewers.



Refresh Collaborators

The Refresh Collaborators script automates the process of fetching contributor data from GitHub repositories, filtering top contributors who are not part of the existing committers, and updating a local configuration file (.asf.yaml) to include these new contributors.

This script requires the Python dependencies and a GitHub auth token.

You need to set up a valid GitHub token to access the repository. After you generate it (or authenticate via GitHub CLI), this can be done by setting the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.

# For Linux/macOS
export GITHUB_TOKEN="your_github_token"
# Or if you use GitHub CLI
export GITHUB_TOKEN="$(gh auth token)"

# On Windows:
# .\venv\Scripts\activate



Find Hanging Tests

This script is used to infer hanging tests from the Gradle output. It looks for tests that were STARTED but do not have a corresponding FINISHED or FAILED.


python ~/Downloads/logs_28218821016/5_build\ _\ JUnit\ tests\ Java\ 11.txt

Found tests that were started, but not finished:

2024-09-10T20:31:26.6830206Z Gradle Test Run :streams:test > Gradle Test Executor 47 > StreamThreadTest > shouldReturnErrorIfProducerInstanceIdNotInitialized(boolean, boolean) > "shouldReturnErrorIfProducerInstanceIdNotInitialized(boolean, boolean).stateUpdaterEnabled=true, processingThreadsEnabled=true" STARTED