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Django API Server

Open-Source API server powered by Django, a progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications.

Status: Work in progress


  • Best Practices: Follows industry-standard best practices for building robust APIs.
  • Backend: Built with Django, a powerful and scalable Node.js framework.
  • UI:
    • React Mantis (optional frontend integration).

Backend API

  • Simple, modular & intuitive structure: Easy to understand and extend.
  • Toolchain:
    • Usable with the latest Node.js LTS versions:
      • v22.x
      • v21.x
      • v20.x
    • Package Managers:
      • PNPM,
      • Yarn,
      • Npm
  • Authentication: Auth0 for GitHub integration.
    • GitHub email pulled during OAuth SignIN.
    • Optional: Email validation.
  • Roles: Admin, Users.
  • ORM: Prisma for database management.
  • User Profiles:
    • ROLE: Default user.
    • Fields: Name, surname, bio, country, address, job.
  • API Features:
    • Search, Pagination.
    • Public Access: GET by ID, get all.
    • Private access (requires token):
      • Create, Update, Delete.
  • Admin:
    • Can search or mutate any user.
  • Users:
    • Can view and mutate only their own information.

Start with Docker


Start Django Backend

Edit Environment

Add a .env file to your project root directory and populate as follows:




Here's how to get the required Auth0 details. You need to register a client (application) in your Auth0 dashboard.

Follow these steps to register a client with Auth0:

  1. Open the Auth0 Applications section of the Auth0 Dashboard.
  2. Click on the Create Application button.
  3. Provide a Name, such as "GitHub Auth".
  4. Choose Single Page Web Applications as the application type.
  5. Click on the Create button.
  6. Finally, note down your Domain, Client ID, and Client Secret and add them to your .env file. Click the settings tab if you do not see them.

Choose a random string of letters and numbers for your JWT_SECRET and populate the DATABASE_URL with your database connection string.

Install Dependencies

Run the following to install dependencies:

npm install



Set Up Prisma

  1. Run the following command to generate the Prisma client and apply migrations:
npx prisma generate
npx prisma migrate dev --name init
  1. If you need to seed your database, you can add a seed script in the prisma/seed.ts file and run:
npx prisma db seed

Run Your Server

Start the Django server with:

npm run start:dev


yarn start:dev

Compile React UI

Edit Environment

Add your server base URL to your environment variables as follows:


Install Dependencies

npm install



Start the React UI

npm run dev


yarn dev

Django API Starter provided by App Generator - Open-source service for developers and companies.