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667 lines (481 loc) · 28.9 KB


Release notes for the ArangoDB-PHP driver 3.10.x

This version of the PHP driver is compatible with PHP version 8.1. Older versions of PHP are not supported.

Release notes for the ArangoDB-PHP driver 3.9.x

This version of the PHP driver is compatible with PHP versions 7.4 and 8.0. Older versions of PHP are not supported.

It is recommended to install the php-intl module so the PHP driver can access the Normalizer class of that module. This is needed to create databases with the extended database naming convention that can be enabled in ArangoDB 3.9.

This version of the PHP driver removes the following functionality, which was deprecated in a previous release and is not available in ArangoDB 3.9 anymore:

  • class Export
  • class ExportCursor

In addition, as the equivalent functionality has been deprecated on the server side, the following driver methods have been deprecated as well:

  • CollectionHandler::load()
  • CollectionHandler::unload()

It is also deprecated to create indexes of type hash or skiplist using the CollectionHandler::createIndex() method. Instead, the generic index type persistent should be used when calling this method. Please also note that the dedicated methods CollectionHandler::createHashIndex() and CollectionHandler::createSkipListIndex() for creating hash or skiplist indexes are deprecated since 3.5 already.

Release notes for the ArangoDB-PHP driver 3.8.x

OPTION_TIMEOUT of the Connection class is now superseded by the more specialized options


The existing OPTION_TIMEOUT value can still be used as before. When used, it will automatically clobber values set in OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT and OPTION_REQUEST_TIMEOUT. Using one of the more specialized options will remove OPTION_TIMEOUT from the connection's options.

Added CollectionHandler::insertMany() method to simplify insertion of multiple documents at once. This is now the preferred way of inserting mutliple documents in a single request, and will perform much better than using the Batch functionality, which is now deprecated.

The driver now supports connecting via JWT if the server's JWT secret is known. In order to use a JWT to connect, set the following values in ConnectionOptions:

$connectionOptions = [
    ArangoDBClient\ConnectionOptions::OPTION_DATABASE => '_system',              // database name
    ArangoDBClient\ConnectionOptions::OPTION_ENDPOINT => 'tcp://', // endpoint to connect to
    ArangoDBClient\ConnectionOptions::OPTION_AUTH_TYPE => 'Bearer',              // authentication via JWT!
    ArangoDBClient\ConnectionOptions::OPTION_AUTH_USER => 'root',                // user name
    ArangoDBClient\ConnectionOptions::OPTION_AUTH_PASSWD => 'jwt-secret-value',  // server's JWT secret value

Note that the server's JWT secret, not a generated JWT, must go into the OPTION_AUTH_PASSWD ConnectionOption.

In order to use an already generated JWT without any username, set the ConnectionOptions as follows:

$connectionOptions = [
    ArangoDBClient\ConnectionOptions::OPTION_DATABASE => '_system',              // database name
    ArangoDBClient\ConnectionOptions::OPTION_ENDPOINT => 'tcp://', // endpoint to connect to
    ArangoDBClient\ConnectionOptions::OPTION_AUTH_JWT => '.......',              // full JWT needs to go here

The driver now supports the following options for document CRUD operations:

  • "overwriteMode"
  • "silent"
  • "keepNull", "mergeObjects" (for insert/insertMany API if overwriteMode=update)

Extended maximum valid length for collection names to 256, up from 64 before. This follows a change in the ArangoDB server.

Additional options for AQL queries are now supported via Statement:

  • memoryLimit
  • profile
  • maxRuntime

Indexes can now be created with "deduplicate" and "estimates" attribute set/not set.

The count functionality in CollectionHandler::count() now supports returned the detailed shard count by passing an extra boolean parameter.

The engine stats API is now supported via AdminHandler::getEngineStats().

The metrics API is now supported via AdminHandler::getMetrics().

Collection objects now support schemas via the getSchema(), setSchema() methods.

The Cursor class will now fetch outstanding cursor result data via HTTP POST requests to /_api/cursor/<cursor-id>. It previously fetched further results via HTTP PUT requests from the same address. The change is necessary because fetching further results is not an idempotent operation, but the HTTP standard requires PUT operations to be idempotent.

In this version of the PHP driver the following classes are deprecated, because their corresponding server-side APIs have been deprecated in ArangoDB 3.8:

  • class Export, class ExportCursor: use AQL streaming queries instead
  • class Traversal: use AQL traversals instead
  • class Batch, and issuing batch requests via them

In addition, the following functionality is deprecated:

  • DocumentHandler::store(): use DocumentHandeler::insert() with overwriteMode instead
  • DocumentHandler::save(): use DocumentHandeler::insert() instead
  • CollectionHandler::load(): should not be necessary anymore
  • CollectionHandler::unload(): should not be necessary anymore
  • AdminHandler::getServerStatistics(): use getServerMetrics() instead
  • AdminHandler::getServerStatisticsDescription(): use getServerMetrics() instead

The following server-side options have been removed in class Collection:

  • isVolatile
  • journalSize

This also led to the removal of The following functions in class Collection:

  • setJournalSize(), getJournalSize()
  • setIsVolatile(), getIsVolatile()

The original driver namespace \triagens\ArangoDb was replaced with \ArangoDBClient for driver version 3.2. Each class exposed by the driver is also exposed via an alias to the old namespace. Using the old namespace \triagens\ArangoDb is deprecated and will not be supported in future versions of the driver.

Release notes for the ArangoDB-PHP driver 3.7.x

The corresponding ArangoDB version, ArangoDB 3.7 has dropped support for the MMFiles storage engine. Usage of the MMFiles storage engine is still supported in the 3.7 version of the PHP driver, in order to use the driver to connect to an ArangoDB 3.6. But MMFiles support will be dropped from the PHP driver in version 3.8.

Updating, replacing or removing documents in the database using a revision id guard value may return a different error message in case the revision id value of the found document is not as expected. Previous versions before 3.7 returned HTTP error 412, an ArangoDB error code 1200 and the error message string "precondition failed". This was changed in version 3.7 to return the same error codes, but an error message string of "conflict". Version 3.8 changes this again so the error message string is now "conflict, _rev values do not match".

Release notes for the ArangoDB-PHP driver 3.6.x

Deprecated Collection::setMinReplicationFactor() and Collection::getMinReplicationFactor() in favor of Collection::setWriteConcern() and Collection::getWriteConcern().

Added support for per-database default options (replicationFactor, writeConcern and sharding).

Added maxRuntime option to Statement class for automatically timing out queries on the server-side.

Added support for custom Analyzers for ArangoSearch.

Release notes for the ArangoDB-PHP driver 3.5.x

Made DocumentHandler::save() an alias for DocumentHandler::insert(), to more closely match the function names used in arangosh/arangod.

Added support for streaming transactions (i.e. transactions that can be composed of multiple operations on the client side piece-by-piece without specifying the full transaction operations in advance).

Streaming transactions currently support the following operations:

  • fetch documents by id, i.e. DocumentHandler::getById()
  • update documents by id, i.e. DocumentHandler::updateById()
  • replace documents by id, i.e. DocumentHandler::replaceById()
  • remove documents by id, i.e. DocumentHandler::removeById()
  • insert documents, i.e. DocumentHandler::insert()
  • counting documents in a collection, i.e. CollectionHandler::count()
  • truncating a collection, i.e. CollectionHandler::truncate()
  • running AQL queries, i.e. Statement::execute()

Other driver operations than the above are currently not supported within streaming transactions.

Streaming transactions are provided by a new class StreamingTransaction and a new handler StreamingTransactionHandler.

$document           = new DocumentHandler($connection);
$transactionHandler = new StreamingTransactionHandler($connection);

// creates a transaction object
$trx = new StreamingTransaction($connection, [
     TransactionBase::ENTRY_COLLECTIONS => [
         TransactionBase::ENTRY_WRITE => [ 'testCollection' ]

// starts the transaction
$trx = $transactionHandler->create($trx);

// get a StreamingTransactionCollection object. this is used to execute operations
// in a transaction context
$trxCollection = $trx->getCollection('testCollection');

// pass the StreamingTransactionCollection into the document operations instead of
// a regular Collection object - this will make the operations execute in the context
// of the currently running transaction
$result = $documentHandler->insert($trxCollection, [ '_key' => 'test1', 'value' => 'test1' ]);

$result = $documentHandler->insert($trxCollection, [ '_key' => 'test2', 'value' => 'test2' ]);

// commits the transaction

Caveat: streaming transactions will normally stay open on the server side until they are explicitly aborted or committed by the client application, or until they time out automatically on the server. Therefore by default the PHP driver will automatically keep track of all begun streaming transactions, via an instance variable in the StreamingTransactionHandler.

Streaming transactions are automatically aborted on shutdown via a shutdown function, and all transactions started via StreamingTransactionHandler instances that were neither committed nor aborted by the user will be aborted. In order to take over the management of a transaction from the StreamingTransactionHandler, it is possible to call the handler's stealTransaction() method with the transaction's id. This will make the handler "forget" about auto-aborting this particular transaction.

Deprecated several methods in CollectionHandler, because they are deprecated in the arangod server as well:

  • CollectionHandler::fulltext()
  • CollectionHandler::updateByExample()
  • CollectionHandler::replaceByExample()
  • CollectionHandler::range()
  • CollectionHandler::near()
  • CollectionHandler::within()

Added method CollectionHandler::getShards() to retrieve the list of available shards of a collection.

Added method CollectionHandler::getResponsibleShard() to retrieve the shard id of the shard responsible for storing a particular document.

All index-specific index-creation methods in CollectionHandler are now deprecated in favor of the much more general method CollectionHandler::createIndex(). This new methods replaces the following deprecated methods:

  • CollectionHandler::createHashIndex()
  • CollectionHandler::createFulltextIndex()
  • CollectionHandler::createSkipListIndex()
  • CollectionHandler::createPersistentIndex()
  • CollectionHandler::createTtlIndex()
  • CollectionHandler::createGeoIndex()
  • CollectionHandler::index()

CollectionHandler::createIndex() now also supports named indexes and background indexing via setting the respective options on index creation, e.g.

$collectionHandler->createIndex($collection, [
    'type'         => 'persistent',
    'name'         => 'my-index',
    'fields'       => ['a', 'b'],
    'unique'       => true,
    'sparse'       => false,
    'inBackground' => true

The now deprecated specialized index methods will be removed in a future release of the driver in favor of the generic createIndex method.

The CollectionHandler class got a new method createTtlIndex for creating time-to-live (TTL) indexes on the server.

All specialized methods for index creation also got an extra optional attribute $inBackground that enables background index creation.

Added driver support for the following attributes on collection level:

  • distributeShardsLike
  • smartJoinAttribute (only effective in ArangoDB enterprise edition)
  • minReplicationFactor

Removed unused $_action member in class AqlUserFunction, also removed its __toString() method.

Release notes for the ArangoDB-PHP driver 3.4.x

Starting with release 3.4.0, the following constants were removed from the CollectionHandler class:


These constants were geo-index related, and the geo-index functionality changes in ArangoDB 3.4 have made these constants obsolete.

For the same reason, the createGeoIndex function signature in the same class has changed from

public function createGeoIndex($collectionId, array $fields, $geoJson = null, $constraint = null, $ignoreNull = null)

to just

public function createGeoIndex($collectionId, array $fields, $geoJson = null)

Additionally the 3.4 release of the driver adds support for the following collection properties:

  • replicationFactor: number of replicas to keep per shard in a cluster environment (a replication factor of 1 will be used if this is not specified)
  • shardingStrategy: sharding strategy to be used for the collection

The Collection class also got the new methods setReplicationFactor, getReplicationFactor, setShardingStrategy and getShardingStrategy.

A method getEntries was added to the QueryCacheHandler class, which allows to peek into the contents of the query cache at runtime.

The single-document APIs in class DocumentHandler have been augmented so they support the attributes returnOld and returnNew. This allows retrieving the previous version of documents on update/replace/remove, and returning the new version of documents after insert/update/replace. In addition, the save method of DocumentHandler will now understand the overwrite option, which will turn an insert into a replace operation in case the insert fails with a unique constraint violation error on the primary key.

The method insert was introduced in DocumentHandler as an alias for the existing save method to be consistent with the server-side method naming.

Basic support for ArangoSearch Views was added in 3.4.0, via the View and ViewHandler classes.

Release notes for the ArangoDB-PHP driver 3.3.x

Starting from release 3.3.1, the PHP driver has support for automatic failover, for ArangoDB servers that are started in the active failover mode. This setup requires using ArangoDB 3.3.

In order to use automatic failover from the PHP driver, simply change the "endpoint" attribute of the connection options from a simple endpoint string into an array of endpoint strings:

$connectionOptions = [
    ConnectionOptions::OPTION_ENDPOINT => [ 'tcp://localhost:8531', 'tcp://localhost:8532', 'tcp://localhost:8530' ],
$connection = new Connection($connectionOptions);

instead of just

$connectionOptions = [
    ConnectionOptions::OPTION_ENDPOINT => 'tcp://localhost:8530',
$connection = new Connection($connectionOptions);

Additionally, retrieving the endpoint value of ConnectionOptions will now always return an array of endpoints. For the single-server case, the returned value will be an array with the specified endpoint. When active failover is used, the result will be an array with the specified endpoints or the endpoints found (added) at runtime. For example, in

$options = [ ConnectionOptions::OPTION_ENDPOINT => 'tcp://' ];
$co = new ConnectionOptions($options);

This will now print an array ([ 'tcp://' ]) and not just the string (tcp://'). Client applications that retrieve the endpoint value via the ConnectionOptions` object and expect it to be a string should be adjusted to pick the first value from the now-returned result array instead.

Using the port option for setting up ConnectionOptions and reading it back is now deprecated and will not be useful when using different endpoints with different port numbers.

For example, reading the port option here will provide just one of the specified ports, so it should be avoided:

$options = [ ConnectionOptions::OPTION_ENDPOINT => [ 'tcp://', 'tcp://' ] ];
$co = new ConnectionOptions($options);

Release notes for the ArangoDB-PHP driver 3.2.x

  • the default value for the authentication type of the Connection class is now Basic

  • the default value for the connection type is now Keep-Alive and not Close

  • Document ID's are now handled correctly. This is a necessary and backwards incompatible change, in order to be consistent with ArangoDB's API.

    Why: It was necessary to fix the document ids to correctly use ArangoDB's _ids instead of only the _key.

    Important incompatible changes related to this:

    • Document::getId(): Will return the correct id (CollectionName/DocumentID) instead of the key (DocumentID).
    • UrlHelper::getDocumentIdFromLocation(): Will now return a "real" _id instead of what was essentially the _key

    Other changes related to this:

    • DocumentHandler::getById(): Will work as before, but it will also accept a "real" document ID in addition to the key. If a real document ID is given, the collection data will be extracted from that string. That means that the first parameter $collection does not need to have a valid value, in that case.
  • The namespace \triagens\ArangoDb was replaced with \ArangoDBClient. For each class in the old namespace there is now a class alias that points from the new namespace to the old namespace, so existing applications can still use the class names from the \triagens\ArangoDb namespace

  • Support for PHP 5.5 has been removed.

  • added new methods for collection and database level permissions:

    • UserHandler::getDatabasePermissionLevel
    • UserHandler::getCollectionPermissionLevel
    • UserHandler::grantCollectionPermissions
    • UserHandler::revokeCollectionPermissions

Release notes for the ArangoDB-PHP driver 3.1.0

This version of the driver is compatible with ArangoDB 3.1.x It is not compatible to earlier versions of ArangoDB (i.e. 2.x). Please use one of the 2.x branches of the driver for 2.x-compatibility.


  • Up until the 3.0.x versions of this driver, there were still deprecated methods and parameter compatibility functions in the code, which unfortunately were not removed according to their deprecation annotations. That deprecated code was now finally removed with this version (3.1.0) of the driver, in order to clean up the codebase.
  • With this version of the driver, the method signature that used to accept $options either as an array or a non-array type has been removed. The specific compatibility layer was deprecated a long time ago and did not provide any benefits apart from compatibility. Starting with this version of the driver, there is now only one method signature that will require $options to be an array.

Please check and change your code accordingly!


  • Removed old deprecated methods:

    • AdminHandler::flushServerModuleCache()
    • CollectionHandler::add()
    • CollectionHandler::getCount()
    • CollectionHandler::getFigures()
    • CollectionHandler::delete()
    • DocumentHandler::getAllIds()
    • DocumentHandler::getByExample()
    • DocumentHandler::add()
    • DocumentHandler::delete()
    • DocumentHandler::deleteById()
    • EdgeHandler::add()
    • Graph::setVerticesCollection()
    • Graph::getVerticesCollection()
    • Graph::setEdgesCollection()
    • Graph::getEdgesCollection()
    • Handler::getCursorOptions()
  • Removed the old-style compatibility layer for parameter-passing in various methods that was used prior to switching to the $options parameter. This means, that wherever an $option array is passed to methods and a non-array type was also allowed (bool, string) for $options, the $options parameter must now be an array - it will not accept bool values or string values anymore, like for example a policy definition.

  • Performance might be a bit better due to the removal of the compatibility layer for $options.

  • Cleaned up and enriched annotations

  • Applied various smaller bug fixes

  • GraphHandler: Optimized code to do less work when not necessary

  • GraphHandler: Implemented optional cache that caches the Vertex/Edge-Collections instead of making expensive calls to the DB.

  • GraphHandler: Is now batch-able. However, if any collections need to be fetched, they will be done out-of-batch. If a lot of calls to the GraphHandler are being made, the use of the new caching functionality is encouraged.

  • Batches: Some work has been done, to optimize batches. This is still in development.

  • Switched from phpDocumentor to apigen

  • New Docs were generated

Release notes for the ArangoDB-PHP driver 3.0.8

This version of the driver is compatible with ArangoDB 3.0.x It is not compatible to earlier versions of ArangoDB (i.e. 2.x). Please use ones of the 2.x branches of the driver for 2.x-compatibility.

Bug fixes

Fixed bug related to creating the correct collection type. This was no problem for the default, which is 'document', but it was a problem when the option 'createCollection'=>true was passed with save_edge().

Release notes for the ArangoDB-PHP driver 3.0.7

This version of the driver is compatible with ArangoDB 3.0.7 It is not compatible to earlier versions of ArangoDB (i.e. 2.x). Please use ones of the 2.x branches of the driver for 2.x-compatibility.

Changed functionality

Batch processing

Added an option to pre-define a batch size for a batch. This results in the driver using an SplFixedArray for the storage of the batch parts, which in turn results to a bit (5% to 15%) more performance in batch processing.

The option is called batchSize and accepts an integer.

Example: $batch = new Batch($this->connection, ['batchSize' => 10000]);

Bug fixes

Do to the many API changes in version 3 of ArangoDB, the driver had to go through a lot of changes too. This resulted in some inconsistencies in its functionality. Version 3.0.7 has hopefully dealt with them all. If there should be any more left, please create an issue to report it.

Release notes for the ArangoDB-PHP driver 3.0

This version of the driver is compatible with ArangoDB 3.0. It is not compatible to earlier versions of ArangoDB (i.e. 2.x). Please use ones of the 2.x branches of the driver for 2.x-compatibility.

Changed functionality

Graph Management

When replacing edges via the EdgeHandler::replace() method, it is now required to specify both the _from and _to values of the replacing edge. If either attribute is missing or invalid, the replace operation will fail with an error invalid edge attribute on the server-side.

That means the following may not work:

$edgeHandler = new EdgeHandler($connection);

$edge = new Edge();
$edge->set("_id", $idOfExistingEdge);
/* set some other edge attributes */

$result = $edgeHandler->replace($edge);

until at least _from and _to are also set via the setFrom() and setTo() methods:

$edgeHandler = new EdgeHandler($connection);

$edge = new Edge();
$edge->set("_id", $idOfExistingEdge);
/* set some other edge attributes */

$result = $edgeHandler->replace($edge);

Note that this affects only the replace() and replaceById() methods and not update() nor updateById().

User management

The user management APIs in class UserHandler have changed slightly. The methods for adding, replacing and updating users had an optional parameter named $options, which did nothing. This parameter has been removed.

The API methods simplify to:

  • UserHandler::addUser($username, $passwd = null, $active = null, $extra = null, $options = array())

  • UserHandler::replaceUser($username, $passwd = null, $active = null, $extra = null, $options = array())

  • UserHandler::updateUser($username, $passwd = null, $active = null, $extra = null, $options = array())

  • UserHandler::addUser($username, $passwd = null, $active = null, $extra = null)

  • UserHandler::replaceUser($username, $passwd = null, $active = null, $extra = null)

  • UserHandler::updateUser($username, $passwd = null, $active = null, $extra = null)

Note that when adding a new user via the addUser() method, the new user will now be given access permissions for the current database the PHP driver is connected to. User permissions can be adjusted manually by using the following new methods of the UserHandler class:

  • UserHandler::grantPermissions($username, $databaseName)
  • UserHandler::revokePermissions($username, $databaseName)

Unsupported functionality

Cap constraints

Support for cap constraints has been discontinued on the 3.0 version of ArangoDB. Therefore, the following methods have also been removed from the PHP driver in the 3.0 branch:

  • CollectionHandler::createCapConstraint($collectionId, $size)
  • CollectionHandler::first($collectionId, $count = null)
  • CollectionHandler::last($collectionId, $count = null)

Graph functions

The ArangoDB PHP driver provided PHP wrapper methods for common graph functions that were implemented server-side. When one of these wrapper methods was called, the PHP driver assembled an AQL query that called the equivalent graph AQL functions on the server. The driver has provided some extra post-filtering options for some of the graph functions, but for others it only provided a subset of the features available server-side.

With ArangoDB 3.0, the graph functionality on the server-side has changed: the previously available AQL graph functions that were called by the PHP driver are not available anymore in 3.0. This affects the following previously existing methods of the PHP driver's GraphHandler class, which are now gone in 3.0:

  • GraphHandler::getNeighborVertices($graph, $vertexExample, $options = array())
  • GraphHandler::getConnectedEdges($graph, $vertexId, $options = array())
  • GraphHandler::getVertices($graph, $options = array())
  • GraphHandler::getEdges($graph, $options = array())
  • GraphHandler::getPaths($graph, $options = array())
  • GraphHandler::getShortestPaths($graph, $startVertexExample = array(), $endVertexExample = array(), $options = array())
  • GraphHandler::getDistanceTo($graph, $startVertexExample = null, $endVertexExample = null, $options = array())
  • GraphHandler::getCommonNeighborVertices($graph, $vertex1Example = null, $vertex2Example = null, $options1 = array(),$options2 = array())
  • GraphHandler::getCommonProperties($graph, $vertex1Example= null, $vertex2Example = null, $options = array())
  • GraphHandler::getAbsoluteEccentricity($graph, $vertexExample = null, $options = array())
  • GraphHandler::getEccentricity($graph, $options = array())
  • GraphHandler::getAbsoluteCloseness($graph, $vertexExample = null, $options = array())
  • GraphHandler::getCloseness($graph, $options = array())
  • GraphHandler::getAbsoluteBetweenness($graph, $options = array())
  • GraphHandler::getBetweenness($graph, $options = array())
  • GraphHandler::getRadius($graph, $options = array())
  • GraphHandler::getDiameter($graph, $options = array())

Most of these methods can be emulated by issuing an AQL query from the PHP driver. AQL provides provides blocks for computing the vertices, connected edges, and paths in a graph or just dedicated collections. As a bonus, by using AQL queries one is not limited to the subset of the functionality that was available in the "old" graph functions' interfaces, but can use the full functionality and composability of AQL.

Custom queues

"Custom queues" were an undocumented, experimental feature in later versions of the 2.x driver. Its purpose was to send requests to dedicated processing queues on the server. This functionality has been removed from the 3.0 ArangoDB server and the 3.0 driver.

Due to that the following undocumented methods have been removed from the PHP driver:

  • Handler::enableCustomQueue($queueName, $count = null)
  • Handler::disableCustomQueue()
  • Connection::enableCustomQueue($queueName, $count = null)
  • Connection::disableCustomQueue()

Client versioning

The client-side versioning feature was also removed from the driver in version 3.0. The versioning feature allowed sending the HTTP header X-Arango-Version with the desired version number for all requests made from the driver. The ArangoDB server interpreted the value of this HTTP header at some endpoints and returned result structures matching the ones from older versions of ArangoDB.

This feature was abandoned on the server-side in 3.0 so the versioning was removed from the driver as well. This also means the following methods have been removed from the driver's Connection class.

  • Connection::getVersion()
  • Connection::getClientVersion()