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Releases: aspnet/Security
Releases · aspnet/Security
- Provide a way to prevent AuthenticationSchemeProvider from picking a specific scheme handler (#1287)
- Remove top level methods on IServiceCollection that configure authentication (#1269)
- Revisit SchemeBuilder/AddScheme (#1186)
- Auth 2.0 Cleanup: Revisit cleanup events/context (#1181)
- Changing name of correlation and nonce cookie in OpenID Connect middleware (#1033)
Bugs Fixed
- AuthZ Regression: PolicyEvaluator always passes HttpContext for resource (#1329)
- DisplayName in new AuthN Plumbing? (#1319)
- Should auth options be using IOptionsMonitor? (#1282)
- Passing in an AuthoritizationPolicy allocates an array everytime (#1274)
- Authentication failures are not properly logged (#1265)
- Make it easier to specify a default scheme (#1264)
- OnRedirectToIdentityProvider - improve /// comments (#1200)
- Consider limiting the cookies we use for nonce and correlationId to the paths that we use them on (#1133)
- Consider revisiting OpenIdConnectOptions.PostLogoutRedirectUri in 2.0.0 (#1089)
Bugs Fixed
- [Breaking change] Parameter was renamed on OpenIdConnectHandler.HandleSignOutAsync (#1030)
- Improper JWT used in token validation for hybrid "code id_token token" OpenId Connect flow (#1007)
- Ensuring the generated redirect URL is valid (#903)
- Can't perform custom error handling using OpenIdConnect OnAuthenticationFailed event (#884)
- AuthZ: Add option for Fail fast (#945)
- AuthenticationTokenExtensions should have an UpdateToken (#916)
- AuthorizationHandlerContext responsibility split up & thread safety (#879)
Bugs Fixed
- How to use AuthorizationEndpoint which contains query string parameters with OAuth. (#988)
- OIDC handler bug in user info response handling for multiple claims of same type (#976)
- CookieAuthenticationHandler, in case using SessionStore, cookieOptions.Expire is not set on renewal (#973)
- Google middleware authorization should use prompt instead of approval_prompt (#971)
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Twitter's package description is incorrect (#962)
- CookieAuthenticationEvents.OnValidatePrincipal can result in a NullReferenceException (#949)
- Returning true from HandleUnauthorizedAsync doesn't prevent the other automatic handlers from being invoked (#930)
- Minor comment cleanup. (#891)
- OpenIdConnect with AAD does not return error_description (#883)
- Authorize(Github) may return a Facebook user (#859)
- Cookie ExpireTimeSpan not honoured using Auzure AD OpenIDConnect authentication (#855)
- Update CookieAuthenticationHandler.ApplyHeaders to honor AuthenticationProperties.RedirectUri (#800)
- Google: Need better way to discover when google+ api not enabled (#53)
- JwtBearer does not return any useful info when failing to validate/accept a token (#776)
- Get the user's e-mail address from Twitter (#765)
- Support distributed sign-out (#423)
Bugs Fixed
- AuthorizationHandler design questions (#849)
- Authorize policy attribute not compatible with dynamic policy provider (#841)
- CookiePolicy middleware can't affect CookieAuthentication middleware (#814)
- Removed space from file name (#807)
- Clash of AuthorizationContext naming with aspnetcirelease bits rc2-* (#806)
- Authorize GitHub causes infinite redirects or Correlation failed (#801)
- OIDC argument validation (#795)
- CookieAuthenticationHandler IsPersistent with UTC dates (#780)
- Flow for authenticated but unauthorized users with OIDC is broken (infinite redirect) (#667)
- Need to do a doc pass for new AuthZ/AuthN changes (#190)
- How can you inject a service into an implementation of IClaimsTransformer? (#718)
- Authorization infrastructure does not handle "per action permissions" use case well (#670)
- Consider adding Async version for AddAssertion sugar (#657)
- SaveTokenAsClaim for JwtBearer (#639)
- [Authorization] Consider base class to make building custom policies/requirements easier (#575)
- Implement the hybrid flow, unify code and authorization flows (#456)
- Populate returnURL on Forbidden mapping for cookie auth (#335)
- [AuthZ] Investigate if we can turn policyName overloads into extension methods (#266)
Bugs Fixed
- Update OIDC package version to be 1.0.0-rc2 (#808)
- Exception thrown when 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer' tries to log a message (#794)
- AuthenticationHandler.InitializeAsync chokes when HandleAuthenticateAsync returns null (#760)
- DefaultAuthorizationService call to _logger.UserAuthorizationSucceeded always has a null user (#755)
- What should be the defaults for ResponseType for OIDC (#744)
- Auth handlers should unregister themselves after Next (#704)
- Clean up OIDC events (#690)
- Return givename and surname claims from Facebook provider by default. (#688)
- Can't find working example of getting first_name claim using Facebook rc2 (#654)
- Consider moving GenerateCorrelationId and ValidateCorrelationId to RemoteAuthenticationHandler (#647)
- TwitterHandler doesnt save all tokens as claims when SaveTokensAsClaims is true (#632)
- AuthorizationHandler: where TResource : class requirement (#630)
- Authentication cookie is badly renewed when the security stamp has been validated (#628)
- The values of Roles property in AuthorizeAttribute aren't trimmed (#627)
- Discussion for Scope being a list and not a string? (#614)
- Split Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies.Interop into 2 packages (#611)
- Update Twitter AuthenticationEndpoint (#600)
- JwtBearer projects targets dnx451 and dnxcore50 (#590)
- The dependency Microsoft.AspNet.Authentication.OpenIdConnect 1.0.0-rc2-16009 does not support framework .NETPlatform,Version=v5.4 (#576)
- Consider making AutomaticAuthenticate true by default for Cookies (#569)
- Update Google API endpoints (#566)
- Update facebook provider to v2.5 APIs (#565)
- Stop using AuthenticateResult.Success(ticket: null) (#555)
- AuthenticationProperties is not available from OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications.RedirectToIdentityProvider (#546)
- SaveTokensAsClaims defaults (#526)
- Update the OAuth2 handler to log error_description and error_uri when receiving an error (#512)
- Can't get email claim from Facebook (#435)
- Revisit the OIDC/OAuth2 bearer middleware to stop re-throwing exceptions for invalid tokens (#411)