🔥 The Skyline Problem 🔥 || 3 Solutions || Simple Fast and Easy || with Explanation
class KeyPoint {
int key;
int height;
KeyPoint ? next = null ;
KeyPoint (int this .key, int this .height);
class Solution {
// Runtime: 592 ms, faster than 100.00% of Dart online submissions for The Skyline Problem.
// Memory Usage: 147.5 MB, less than 100.00% of Dart online submissions for The Skyline Problem.
List <List <int >> getSkyline (List <List <int >> buildings) {
List <List <int >> res = [].map ((e) => < int > []).toList ();
KeyPoint dummy = KeyPoint (- 1 , 0 ); // dummy head
KeyPoint pre = dummy;
for (List <int > bd in buildings) {
int L = bd[0 ];
int R = bd[1 ];
int H = bd[2 ];
while (pre.next != null && pre.next! .key <= L ) pre = pre.next! ;
int preH = pre.height;
if (pre.key == L )
pre.height = max (pre.height, H );
else if (pre.height < H ) {
KeyPoint ? next = pre.next;
pre.next = new KeyPoint (L , H );
pre = pre.next! ;
pre.next = next;
KeyPoint preIter = pre;
KeyPoint ? curIter = pre.next;
while (curIter != null && curIter.key < R ) {
preH = curIter.height;
curIter.height = max (curIter.height, H );
if (curIter.height == preIter.height)
preIter.next = curIter.next;
preIter = curIter;
curIter = curIter.next;
if (preIter.height != preH &&
preIter.key != R &&
(curIter == null || curIter.key != R )) {
KeyPoint ? next = preIter.next;
preIter.next = KeyPoint (R , preH);
preIter.next! .next = next;
KeyPoint ? first = dummy;
KeyPoint ? second = dummy.next;
while (second != null ) {
if (second.height != first! .height)
res.add ([second.key, second.height]);
first = first.next;
second = second.next;
return res;
Solution - 2 Divide and Conquer
class Solution {
// Runtime: 498 ms, faster than 100.00% of Dart online submissions for The Skyline Problem.
// Memory Usage: 152 MB, less than 100.00% of Dart online submissions for The Skyline Problem.
List <List <int >> getSkyline (List <List <int >> buildings) {
List <List <int >> res = [].map ((e) => < int > []).toList ();
if (buildings.length == 0 ) return res;
int n = buildings.length;
return findSkyline (buildings, 0 , n - 1 );
List <List <int >> findSkyline (List <List <int >> buildings, int lo, int hi) {
List <List <int >> res = [].map ((e) => < int > []).toList ();
if (lo == hi) {
res.add ([buildings[lo][0 ], buildings[lo][2 ]]);
res.add ([buildings[lo][1 ], 0 ]);
return res;
int mid = lo + (hi - lo) ~ / 2 ;
List <List <int >> skyline1 = findSkyline (buildings, lo, mid);
List <List <int >> skyline2 = findSkyline (buildings, mid + 1 , hi);
return mergeSkyline (skyline1, skyline2);
List <List <int >> mergeSkyline (
List <List <int >> skyline1, List <List <int >> skyline2) {
List <List <int >> res = [].map ((e) => < int > []).toList ();
int i = 0 , j = 0 ;
int h1 = 0 , h2 = 0 ;
while (i < skyline1.length && j < skyline2.length) {
int x1 = skyline1.elementAt (i).elementAt (0 );
int x2 = skyline2.elementAt (j).elementAt (0 );
int x;
if (x1 < x2) {
h1 = skyline1.elementAt (i++ ).elementAt (1 );
x = x1;
} else if (x1 > x2) {
h2 = skyline2.elementAt (j++ ).elementAt (1 );
x = x2;
} else {
h1 = skyline1.elementAt (i++ ).elementAt (1 );
h2 = skyline2.elementAt (j++ ).elementAt (1 );
x = x1;
int h = max (h1, h2);
if (res.isEmpty || h != res.elementAt (res.length - 1 ).elementAt (1 )) {
res.add ([x, h]);
while (i < skyline1.length) res.add (skyline1.elementAt (i++ ));
while (j < skyline2.length) res.add (skyline2.elementAt (j++ ));
return res;
class Solution {
// Runtime: 835 ms, faster than 100.00% of Dart online submissions for The Skyline Problem.
// Memory Usage: 151.5 MB, less than 100.00% of Dart online submissions for The Skyline Problem.
List <List <int >> getSkyline (List <List <int >> buildings) {
if (buildings.length == 0 ) return [].map ((e) => < int > []).toList ();
return recurSkyline (buildings, 0 , buildings.length - 1 );
List <List <int >> recurSkyline (List <List <int >> buildings, int p, int q) {
if (p < q) {
int mid = p + (q - p) ~ / 2 ;
return merge (
recurSkyline (buildings, p, mid), recurSkyline (buildings, mid + 1 , q));
} else {
List <List <int >> rs = [].map ((e) => < int > []).toList ();
rs.add ([buildings[p][0 ], buildings[p][2 ]]);
rs.add ([buildings[p][1 ], 0 ]);
return rs;
List <List <int >> merge (List <List <int >> l1, List <List <int >> l2) {
List <List <int >> rs = [].map ((e) => < int > []).toList ();
int h1 = 0 , h2 = 0 ;
while (l1.length > 0 && l2.length > 0 ) {
int x = 0 , h = 0 ;
if (l1.first[0 ] < l2.first[0 ]) {
x = l1.first[0 ];
h1 = l1.first[1 ];
h = max (h1, h2);
// remove first
l1.removeAt (0 );
} else if (l1.first[0 ] > l2.first[0 ]) {
x = l2.first[0 ];
h2 = l2.first[1 ];
h = max (h1, h2);
l2.removeAt (0 );
} else {
x = l1.first[0 ];
h1 = l1.first[1 ];
h2 = l2.first[1 ];
h = max (h1, h2);
l1.removeAt (0 );
l2.removeAt (0 );
if (rs.length == 0 || h != rs.last[1 ]) {
rs.add ([x, h]);
rs.addAll (l1);
rs.addAll (l2);
return rs;