To run this project please use the following mvn command:
mvn -Dtest=Runner test
After the tests have run, if you run the following mvn command:
mvn cluecumber-report:reporting
Then go to the target/generated-report directory and double click on index.html, then load that file into a browser you will see the report.
20 pipe line schedulers
Employer Frontend
| Name | Runner Name | Tag name | Feature path | | End to End Test and Smoke Tests (20 mins) | Runner | @SmokeTest,@EndToEnd | src/test/resources/features/ | | BSA Admin frontend and Manage Contract Templates (1 Hour) | Runner | @RegressionNew | src/test/resources/features/AdminUI/ src/test/resources/features/employer-frontend/ContractTemplates/ManageContractTemplates/ | | Employer frontend AddUsers, OtherFeatures, ManageAtRisk, ManageAccreditedlogos and Employer Hub Folders (40 Minutes) | Runner | @RegressionNew | src/test/resources/features/employer-frontend/AddUsers/ src/test/resources/features/employer-frontend/ManageAccreditedlogos/ src/test/resources/features/employer-frontend/ManageAtRisk/ src/test/resources/features/employer-frontend/OtherFeatures/ src/test/resources/features/employer-frontend/employer-hub/ | | Employer frontend OfferJob Folder - (2 Hours 30 minutes) | Runner | @RegressionNew | src/test/resources/features/employer-frontend/OfferJob/ | | Pre Employment checks (2 Hours 30 minutes) | PreEmpRunner | @RegressionNew | src/test/resources/features/employer-frontend/Pre-employment-checks/ | | Referee Actions (1 Hour 40 minutes) | Runner | @RegressionNew | src/test/resources/features/employer-frontend/RefereeActions/ | | Pre Emp Checks In System References (40 minutes) | Runner | @RegressionNew | src/test/resources/features/employer-frontend/Pre-employment-checks-InsystemRefs/ | | Employer Issue Contract Journey (20 minutes) | IssueContractRunner | @RegressionNew | src/test/resources/features/employer-frontend/ContractTemplates/IssueContract/ | | EsrVacancy folder - This job calls ESR to get Data - (1 Hour) | Runner | @RegressionNew | src/test/resources/features/employer-frontend/EsrVacancy/ | | AfterPublishingAVacancy folder - Common Features - Saturday Run (70 Minutes) | Runner | @RegressionNew | src/test/resources/features/employer-frontend/AfterPublishingAVacancy/CommonFeatures/ | | AfterPublishingAVacancy folder - Interview - Saturday Run (9.5 Hours) | Runner | @RegressionNew | src/test/resources/features/employer-frontend/AfterPublishingAVacancy/Interview/ | | AfterPublishingAVacancy folder - Shortlisting - Saturday Run (3.5 hours) | Runner | @RegressionNew | src/test/resources/features/employer-frontend/AfterPublishingAVacancy/Shortlisting/ | | Employer frontend CreateAVacancy Folder - Sunday Run - (4 Hours 30 Minutes) | Runner | @RegressionNew | src/test/resources/features/employer-frontend/CreateAVacancy/ | | AfterPublishingAVacancy folder - Interview Reserve List | Runner | @InterviewReserveList | src/test/resources/features/employer-frontend/AfterPublishingAVacancy/Interview/Interview-Reserve-List/ |
Candidate Frontend
| Name | Runner Name | Tag name | Feature path | | Candidate IAT Prof Reg Journey (20 Minutes) | CandidatePreEmpChecksRunner | @CandidatePreEmpChecks | src/test/resources/features/candidate-frontend/Professional-Registrations/ | | Candidate Issue Contract Journey (15 minutes) | CandidateContractRunner | @CandidateContractJourney | src/test/resources/features/candidate-frontend/Candidate-Contract-Journey/ | | Candidate frontend Regression - Sunday Run - (8 Hours) | CandidateRunner | @CandidateRegressionNew | src/test/resources/features/candidate-frontend/ |