- Which platforms are supported?
For the |project_name| web service, we try to support the same platforms as for |project_name_backup|.
Additionally, you will need some sane browser to access the web service, like Firefox or Chrome/Chromium. Using MS Internet Explorer [IE] (or other other browsers based on it) is discouraged and unsupported. If you run a sane browser, accessing the service should work from desktop and mobile platforms, we try to adapt to your screen resolution.
- Why a web-based / browser-based approach?
We didn't implement a "normal" desktop application, but a web app because:
- too many different desktop and mobile platforms to support (Linux, *BSD, Windows, Mac OS X, Android, iOS + a ton of different options per platform)
- html5, css and js works (almost) everywhere and we even have same code / similar UI everywhere.
- you can run the browser on the same machine as the backup software (typical desktop backup scenario), but you can also run it on another machine (server-without-GUI scenario) - more flexibility!