This directory contains various configuration files used by the developer tooling framework.
Unless otherwise noted in the config file documentation below, the config files
can be modified with custom, site-local changes by modifying a variable in
to point to a location of your choice (e.g.
somewhere in /etc
). The framework will then read the config file from the
location you have specified instead, so copy the in-tree copy to that location
as a starting point if you need to.
: default Autospec configuration file used bymake autospec
andmake autospecnew
. All configuration is commented out by default, so default Autospec settings are used. Config variable:AUTOSPEC_CONF
: default Mock configuration file used by various targets that call out to Mock. Config variable:MOCK_CONF
: DNF conf for use as the package manager configuration file, made available for the framework's local repo support. Config variable:PM_CONF
: YUM conf for use as the package manager configuration file, made available for the framework's local repo support. Config variable:PM_CONF
: template Koji configuration file. It is installed
, and the in-tree copy is not used. If you are using Koji with the framework, you will need to modify/etc/koji.conf
according to how the Koji instance is set up for your environment. Configuring the installation location viaMakefile.config.site_local
is not possible at the moment but is a planned feature.