Compose - common format for deploying docker containers system, but it does not support some features, for example: describe multiple clusters in one file. So we were forced to create own configuration file format. It uses Compose format as the base.
Example of one cluster configuration:
--- # see
version: "1.0"
clusters: # see
title: "Cluster title"
description: "Long description of cluster"
config: # see
hosts: [] # list of existed swarm services
maxCountOfInstances: 10 # max count scaled containers of same image
# Maximal timeout for docker api access. In seconds.
# For some readonly ops, like getinfo, system use small hardcoded timeout.
dockerTimeout: 300
strategy: DEFAULT
- ""
- "first-node"
- "second-node"
applications: # see
first-app: # name of application
containers: # see
hostname: "app-container"
image: "nginx:latest"
node: "first-node"
containers: # see
first-container: # name of container
image: ""
hostname: "container-host" # when not specified system will use container name
domainname: ""
# Name of node. If node with this name is exists then container placed on it, otherwise containers with same
# node name placed onto same node (node choosing algorithm currently is unspecified). When node is null, the node
# will be chose by 'swarm scheduler filters'.
node: "second-node"
service-type: "system"
ports: # HOST:CONTAINER format
80: 8080
cpuShares: 0
cpuQuota: 0
blkioWeight: 0
cpuPeriod: null
cpusetCpus: ""
cpusetMems: null
restart: always
memoryLimit: "1GiB"
memorySwap: null
memoryReservation: null
kernelMemory: null
- "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/gocode/bin"
- "JAVA_OPTS= -Xms64M -Xmx256M -Xss256k -XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"
- "constraints:node!=/\\\\Qfirst-node\\\\E/"
include: [] # list of yaml files for inclusion
# List for define container volumes, in future.
# The format is `container-dest[:<options>]`.
# The comma-delimited `options` are [rw|ro], [[r]shared|[r]slave|[r]private], and [nocopy].
volumes: []
# Binds of external (node paths or named volumes to container). <p/>
# The format is `host-src:container-dest[:<options>]`.
# The comma-delimited `options` are [rw|ro], [[r]shared|[r]slave|[r]private], and [nocopy].
# The 'host-src' is an absolute path or a name value.<p/>
volumeBinds: []
volumeDriver: ""
# List of entris like `container:['rw'|'ro']` which is used as volume source
volumesFrom: []
reschedule: null
publishAllPorts: false
links: {}
command: []
dns: []
dnsSearch: []
# Sets the networking mode for the container.
# Supported standard values are: `bridge`, `host`, `one`, and `container:<name|id>`.
# Any other value is taken as a custom network’s name to which this container should connect to.
network: "first-net"
- "first-net"
# A list of hostname -> IP mappings to add to the container’s /etc/hosts file.
# Specified in the form "hostname:IP".
extraHosts: []
# A list of string values to customize labels for MLS systems, such as SELinux.
securityOpt: []
# filter of applicable images (see FilterFactory)
# filters:
# spel-image - SpEL string which applied to images. It evaluated over object with 'tag(name)' and
# 'label(key, val)' functions, also it has 'r(regexp)' function which can combined
# with other, like: 'tag(r(".*_dev")) or label("dev", "true")'.
# list - a simply list of possible values, like `list:nginx,java`
# labels - list of labels, like `labels:production-ready=true,tested=true`
# regex - regexp based filter: `regex:.+stable`
# pattern - pattern based filter: `pattern:*stable`
imageFilter: null