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Advent of Code 2024


I've been doing Java on and off for 25 years (!). My goal with this year's AoC is to write the solutions in "modern Java" as much as possible. This means using the newer APIs, streams, lambdas, functional programming idioms, records, etc.

How to run this

Get the input files

The input files in src/main/resources are encrypted. If you're not me, you'll need to download the relevant input files from the AoC website and replace the encrypted ones in that directory.

Run the code

You can run the Part* classes within IntelliJ interactively.

To run using the command line, install maven, then run mvn package appassembler:assemble to build the application.

Run the main program, supplying the day and part you want to run as arguments:

# runs day 2, part 1 
target/appassembler/bin/aoc2024 2 1
# runs day 3, both parts
target/appassembler/bin/aoc2024 3
# run everything
target/appassembler/bin/aoc2024 all



So far I've been making good use of the functional programming features in Java. But as the problems get more complicated (I'm at day 6), it's starting to get difficult to achieve purity. Some pain points:

  • Records are great, but they are not as full-featured as Scala's case classes. I miss methods that help with derived record creation.

  • Performant FP requires not just streams and lambdas, but also functional data structures. e.g. efficient immutable lists that you can transform into another with an added or removed element. Using the standard structures like ArrayLists and HashMaps without mutating them ends up looking super awkward in the code and does a lot of copying in memory.

  • Some conveniences in streams are missing, like "foldLeft" and "mapWithIndex".


In the course of being a bit irritated by trying to do pure FP in Java, I discovered vavr, a library of functional data structures that seems largely inspired by Scala. People have strong opinions about it, both pro and con. As a concept, it looks pretty fantastic to me. I don't think I'll use it for AoC, at least not this time around, but it's a nice discovery.

I almost always have to rewrite/refactor the part 1 solution to answer part 2 of puzzles. For day 10, however, I had already written code to find all the unique trails for part 1, so I literally didn't need to do anything except count them for part 2. I'll take that win!


Day 11 part 2 is the first problem I had to sleep on. Initially I thought it was one of those where you don't actually need to iterate, you could pre-calculate the resulting number of stones at a given evolution. I'm still not sure if that could actually work. In the end, I simply figured out a more efficient representation for iteration. It worked nicely.


I've been dreading the type of problem that came up in Day 13, where the only viable solution isn't based on time- or spacing-saving algorithms, but on calculation. I won't spoil it here, but I'll just say it took me a little while to write out the equation.

I often declare records as members of the class when 1) they're only used by that class, 2) there's a bunch of them that are related and work together, 3) it's nice to see them all in one place instead of in separate files. Today I randomly discovered local classes and records. This allows you to scope, say, an intermediate record for a stream transformation, to a single method and avoid clutter at the class level. Pretty cool!


Day 14 Part 2 had me stumped, at least for now. Moving on to Day 15.


This is the part of AoC when I start to fall behind. =P

Day 16 took me several days to do, when I could find time to work on it. I did actually intuit what the best solution for part 1 probably was, but I was lazy and wasted time banging out a naive solution, hoping it would be good enough. It wasn't; it worked for the sample data, but it would run out of memory on the real input. So in the long run, it cost me more time than if I went with the right solution from the start.

The biggest stumbling block was adapting the well-known algorithm (I won't give it away here, it's in the code) to handle the direction of the reindeer in the maze, and accounting for that in the cost of the weighted edges of the graph.


Day 17 part 2 was... oof. I skipped it immediately, since I didn't want to get stuck on how to "reverse" those operations, which I think is how I should approach it. It'll require a longer block of time on another day.

Considering how hard the problems are getting, I solved days 18 and 19 pretty damn quickly. Both of those were the ideal programming puzzles, in my view. Apply the right algorithms for both parts and you're done. No tricks in the input data, no having to be clever about what the rules imply and calculating a "shortcut" solution. Just nice efficient coding.


Day 20 was the first puzzle where a recursive method caused a StackOverflowError when running it on the real input. This is yet another limit of trying to do pure FP in Java: it doesn't have tail call optimization.


Unsurprisingly, I didn't finish AoC by or on Christmas. I do think this December's progress has been better than my last attempt in 2018, at least. We'll see how long it takes me to wrap this all up.

Day 23 was one of those problems where I took an entirely different approach in part 2 than part 1. Usually when this happens, I "align" the two solutions so they re-use the same code. I started to do that after finishing part 2 but the approaches are so algorithmically different that I decided it wasn't worth the energy.

(later that day)

Well, I've finished a solid pass through all the problems. Here's what I need to return to:

Day 14 part 2 = finding the christmas tree
Day 17 part 2 = quine-ish problem 
Day 21 part 2 = keypad problem
Day 24 part 2 = find 4 swaps of logic gates to make addition work

I think I can do 14 and 21, if I put my mind to it. Honestly, I'm not sure about the other two. For those, I may ask my friend Rob who's also doing AoC this year, or look at reddit, instead of beating my head against a wall. Which I did for WEEKS for some problems during AoC 2018. Which was not healthy.

(still later that day)

Hey I figured out day 14!


I returned to day 21 and finished part 2. My initial naive attempt tried to generate the full strings of keypad presses, which, unsurprisingly, caused out of memory errors. Then I had the idea to represent the press sequences in a way that used less memory. After adding a shortcut after each robot's loop iteration, it finishes in about 1.5 minutes on my laptop.

I suspect this is one of those puzzles where there's a pattern in the growth of the sequences, and you can calculate the minimum size at n iterations without actually having to loop through them. I'm not that clever, sadly.

I'm still proud of my solution. It was tricky to model properly, and there were lots of hairy one-to-many transformations. I think it's pretty readable and easy to understand what's happening.

I'm running out of steam, so when I get around to it, I'm going to cheat for days 17 and 24 and see how someone else solved them. Implementation is still helpful for learning!


Warning: spoilers for day 24 part 2 below.

I read some reddit posts to help me solve this one. Many of them suggested visualizing the graph of wires to better grasp what's happening, so I output a graphviz dot file and stared at it for a while.

It gave me the idea to build a list of dependencies of the incorrect z wires, and filter out any wires that contributed to correct z wires: this would reduce the swap candidates to just a handful of wires that I could viably test by trying every possible combination of 4 swaps. This was misguided, however, since a "correct" z wire is dependent on the inputs, and the solution has to work with ANY values in the x and y wires. Even using randomized x and y values to figure out likely dependents eliminated too many candidates.

So I gave up solving it on my own, and dove more deeply into the reddit discussions. Most of them focus on understanding the "full adder": the puzzle input basically constructs one of these (except for the 4 swapped gates, of course). Interestingly, many people solved this puzzle without code: they did it using pen and paper, and/or by inspecting a visual graph by eye and noticing how it "obviously" deviated from the composition of gates for a full adder. But this wasn't obvious to me. I could see the general shape of the graph and the places where it seemed off, but beyond that, it gave me a headache to try to identify what the configuration of the full adder should look like for each z wire.

I ended up implementing a brute force solution I thought was pretty clever: set up a bunch of test devices with randomized x and y values, find a swap that results in the most improvement for all of them, and repeat until you find the set of 4 swaps that works for every test device. After adding caching to the evaluation of wire values, my solution ran in only 30s (the author reported it taking 2.5 mins on their machine). More details are in the code.

I suppose slogging through it was worth the insight into how mathematical addition works at the level of logical gates (you need a carry bit!), even if I didn't use that knowledge for the actual solution.

Anyway, day 17 part 2 is the last remaining puzzle for me. Like day 24, it involves implementing a computer. Ugh, I dislike these types of problems so much.


I owe the solution to day 17 part 2 entirely to my friend Rob and discussions I found on reddit.

It may be that there's only one viable approach to this problem, as every single solution I looked at did it pretty much the same way, by analyzing what the program in the puzzle input actually did. I'm fairly sure there's no "generic" solution, since not every program is a quine.

I wrote up my own understanding of the solution in comments in the code.

This was my least favorite puzzle by far. Finishing days 24 and 17 last is pretty good evidence I suck at looking for patterns in machine instructions and logic gates.

But now I'm FINISHED! It's a great feeling, especially after not being able to complete AoC 2018.

I'll write up a post-mortem in a few days.


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