- These scripts Uses REST API and can support v9.10 of PVWA and up.
- The goal for these scripts is to allow easy Export and Import of applications including application authentications.
- In this example script you will find examples of Get applications, get specific applications authentication methods and creating applications with their authentication methods.
In order to run the tool you need to run some simple commands in Powershell. The tool supports two modes: Import and Export The export will be done to a CSV file that will contain all the information, the import will be able to create the applications from the same CSV file. The CSV file can be adjusted if needed.
Export-Import-Applications.ps1 -PVWAURL <string> -Export -CSVPath <string> [-AuthType <string>] [-AppID <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
Export-Import-Applications.ps1 -PVWAURL <string> -Import -CSVPath <string> [-AuthType <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
Export-Import-Applications.ps1 -Export -PVWAURL <PVWA URL> -CSVPath <The path to save the applications output> -AppID <The specific Application ID to export details of>
Exporting all applications to a CSV file named "myApps.csv" using LDAP authentication
Export-Import-Applications.ps1 -Export -PVWAURL -AuthType ldap -CSVPath .\myApps.csv
Exporting a specific applications called "App1" to a file named "myApps.csv"
Export-Import-Applications.ps1 -Export -PVWAURL -AppID "App1" -CSVPath .\myApps.csv
Export-Import-Applications.ps1 -Import -PVWAURL <PVWA URL> -CSVPath <The path of the applications CSV to import>
Importing all applications from a file called "myApps.csv"
Export-Import-Applications.ps1 -Import -PVWAURL -CSVPath .\myApps.csv