- Supported version: CyberArk PAS version 10.4 and above
- Allow easy reporting or enumerating of Accounts. In this example script, you will find examples of Get a list of Accounts, Get specific Account details, Create a report of accounts.
Get-Accounts.ps1 -PVWAURL <string> -List [-Report] [-SafeName <string>] [-Keywords <string>] [-SortBy <string>] [-Limit <int>] [-AutoNextPage] [-CSVPath <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-Accounts.ps1 -PVWAURL <string> -Details -AccountID <string> [-Report] [-CSVPath <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
The script supports two modes List and Details.
List all accounts that answer to a specific search criteria (by Safe or keywords). Allows to sort, limit or get all accounts with no limit.
Get-Accounts.ps1 -PVWAURL <PVWA URL> -List [-SafeName <Safe Name to filter by>] [-Keywords <Keywords to search by>] [-SortBy <Property to sort by>] [-Limit <Number of accounts per 'page'>] [-AutoNextPage]
Allows to generate a report of the Accounts found by the filter
Get-Accounts.ps1 -PVWAURL <PVWA URL> -List -Report -CSVPath <Path to the report CSV> [-SafeName <Safe Name to filter by>] [-Keywords <Keywords to search by>] [-SortBy <Property to sort by>] [-Limit <Number of accounts per 'page'>] [-AutoNextPage]
Get all details on a specific account.
Get-Accounts.ps1 -PVWAURL <PVWA URL> -Details -AccountID <Account ID>
Allows to generate a report of the specific Account found.
Get-Accounts.ps1 -PVWAURL <PVWA URL> -Details -Report -CSVPath <Path to the report CSV> -AccountID <Account ID>
- Supported version: CyberArk PAS version 10.4 and above.
- Allow the update of multiple properties for a given account. Any parameter name can be provided. The values will be set through the list
. If this list is shorter than the list ofParameterNames
, the parameters lacking a value will be completed by the last value ofParameterValue
Update-Account.ps1 -PVWAURL <string> -AccountID <string> -ParameterNames <Comma separated parameter names> -ParameterValues <Comma separated parameter values> [<CommonParameters>]
Update-Account.ps1 -PVWAURL -AccountID 12_34 -ParameterNames "Environment" -ParameterValues "Production"
Update-Account.ps1 -PVWAURL -AccountID 12_34 -ParameterNames "DataCenter","Building","ApplicationName" -ParameterValues "Washington","B1","FinancialApp"
The account will update the Properties with their values according to the order they were entered:
- DataCenter = Washington,
- Building = B1,
- ApplicationName = FinancialApp.
Update-Account.ps1 -PVWAURL -AccountID 12_34 -ParameterNames "ApplicationName","ApplicationOwner","ApplicationTeam" -ParameterValues "FinancialApp","John Doe"
The account will update the Properties with their values according to the order they were entered:
- ApplicationName = FinancialApp,
- ApplicationOwner = John Doe,
- ApplicationTeam = John Doe.
- Supported version: CyberArk PAS version 10.4 and above.
- Run a single action on a list of Accounts, according to filters (optional) or from a file. Uses REST APIs.
Invoke-BulkAccountActions.ps1 -PVWAURL <string> -AuthType <["cyberark","ldap","radius"]> [-DisableSSLVerify] -AccountsAction <["Verify","Change","Reconcile"]> [-SafeName <string>] [-PlatformID <string>] [-UserName <string>] [-Address <string>] [-Custom <string>] [-FailedOnly] [<CommonParameters>]
- SafeName
- Search for all accounts in a specific safe
- PlatformID
- UserName
- Address
- Custom
- Using this parameter will not validate the results
- FailedOnly
- Run the action only on failed accounts
- CPMDisabled
Note: The result will be the union of all filters' results (consider it as an "or" gate). Each filter (except
) will be validated to bring exact results.
Invoke-BulkAccountActions.ps1 -PVWAURL -PlatformID "UnixSSH" -UserName "root" -AccountsAction "Verify"
This will verify any account that has "production" in any property in that Safe
Invoke-BulkAccountActions.ps1 -PVWAURL -SafeName "PRD-ATL-App01-Admin" -Custom "production" -AccountsAction "Verify"
Invoke-BulkAccountActions.ps1 -PVWAURL -Address "" -AccountsAction "Change"
Invoke-BulkAccountActions.ps1 -PVWAURL -UserName "Administrator" -PlatformID "WindowsServerLocal" -SafeName "WIN-IT-Admin" -Address "" -AccountsAction "Reconcile"
Invoke-BulkAccountActions.ps1 -PVWAURL -SafeName "PRD-ATL-App01-Admin" -FailedOnly -AccountsAction "Reconcile"
Invoke-BulkAccountActions.ps1 -PVWAURL -CPMDisabled -AccountsAction "Reconcile"
This uses an "or" statement, not an "and" statement. Added for backwards compatibility with older accounts.
Invoke-BulkAccountActions.ps1 -PVWAURL -CPMDisabled -FailedOnly -AccountsAction "Verify"