Use a local mock API server to develop and debug a lot faster your CyberArk PAS REST API applications or scripts. Using a mock server enables you no to endanger any production environment and to benefit faster responses. Edit and contribute to this mock API JSON with the additional information and rules.
- Mockoon
- .json file of a [PAS environment](PAS REST API.json)
You can get Mockoon from the official website. Mockoon is also available through:
- Homebrew
brew cask install mockoon
, - Snap store
snap install mockoon
, - Chocolatey
choco install mockoon
yay -S mockoon-bin
(or any other AUR helper).
After installing Mockoon, go to 'Import/export'->Mockoon's format->Import from a file (JSON).
The PAS REST API environment should be added to your mockoon server
Start the local mock API server and use it to debug you CyberArk REST API development.
- PVWA version 11.1
- All API will work with versions higher than 11.1, some might have more properties.
- Mockoon is licensed as MIT.
- The .json file provided here is given based on the same licence as the epv-api-scripts licence.