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User Management

User Management


  • Demonstrates use of the User Management REST API.
  • Uses the 2nd Gen REST API.
  • Supports v10.9 of PVWA and up.

Activate User

  • Activates a suspended user. It does not activate an inactive user.
  • The user running this Web service must have Audit users permissions.
  • Users on the same level as your user or lower in the Vault hierarchy are retrieved.


Activate-User.ps1 [-PVWAURL] <string> [-EPVUserName] <string>

Get Inactive Users Report

  • To use the ability to filter Users according to inactivity time, you would need version 11.1 (minimum).
  • The script can report the users to the screen or to a .csv file (with additional details).

The script will create a log file in the same folder of the script called: "InactiveUsersReport.log" Running the script with common parameters of -Debug and -Verbose will add more information to the log


Get-InactiveUsersReport.ps1 [-PVWAURL] <string> [[-AuthType] <string>] [[-InactiveDays] <int>] [[-CSVPath] <string>] [-DisableSSLVerify] [<CommonParameters>]
    • The URL of the PVWA.
    • URL needs to include 'PasswordVault', for example: ""
    • When working with the PVWA behind a load balancer, note that the session must be defined as sticky session. Alternatively, work with a single node PVWA
  • AuthType
    • Authentication types for logon.
    • Available values: CyberArk, LDAP, RADIUS
    • Default value: CyberArk
  • InactiveDays
    • The number of days to check for inactivity of users.
    • Default value: 30 (days)
  • CsvPath
    • The csv file path for the inactive users report.
    • Omitting this parameter will output the report to screen.
  • DisableSSLVerify (NOT RECOMMENDED)
    • Disable the SSL certificate verification.
    • Use only if your PVWA environment doesn't include a valid SSL certificate.

Output Examples:

Report Sample to screen

When using v10.10 - no ability to filter users

username source userType componentUser IsEnabled IsSuspended LastSuccessfulLoginDate
Administrator CyberArk Built-InAdmins False True False N/A
Auditor CyberArk Built-InAdmins False False False N/A
NotificationEngine CyberArk ENE True True False N/A
AdminUser1 CyberArk EPVUser False True False N/A
AdminUser2 CyberArk EPVUser False True False N/A
PVWAGWUser CyberArk PVWA True True False N/A
PVWAAppUser CyberArk PVWA True True False N/A
PasswordManager CyberArk CPM True True False N/A
EPMAgent CyberArk EPVUser False True False N/A
strong CyberArk EPVUser False True False N/A
weak CyberArk EPVUser False True False N/A
Backup CyberArk Built-InAdmins False False False N/A
Operator CyberArk Built-InAdmins False False False N/A
DR CyberArk Built-InAdmins False False False N/A

Report Sample to file

Using version 11.1

username FirstName LastName source userType componentUser IsEnabled IsSuspended LastSuccessfulLoginDate VaultAuthorization
Administrator CyberArk Built-InAdmins False True False 12/16/2019 7:55:19 AM AddUpdateUsers;AddSafes;AddNetworkAreas;ManageDirectoryMapping;ManageServerFileCategories;AuditUsers;BackupAllSafes;RestoreAllSafes;ResetUsersPasswords;ActivateUsers
Auditor CyberArk Built-InAdmins False False False 12/10/2019 10:28:12 AM AuditUsers
NotificationEngine CyberArk ENE True True False 12/15/2019 9:09:44 AM AuditUsers
AdminUser1 CyberArk EPVUser False True False 12/10/2019 10:29:38 AM AddUpdateUsers;AddSafes;AddNetworkAreas;ManageDirectoryMapping;ManageServerFileCategories;AuditUsers;BackupAllSafes;RestoreAllSafes;ResetUsersPasswords;ActivateUsers
AdminUser2 CyberArk EPVUser False True False 12/10/2019 10:29:40 AM AddUpdateUsers;AddSafes;AddNetworkAreas;ManageDirectoryMapping;ManageServerFileCategories;AuditUsers;BackupAllSafes;RestoreAllSafes;ResetUsersPasswords;ActivateUsers
PVWAAppUser CyberArk PVWA True True False 12/15/2019 9:07:45 AM AddSafes;AuditUsers
PVWAGWUser CyberArk PVWA True True False 12/15/2019 9:07:57 AM AuditUsers
PasswordManager CyberArk CPM True True False 12/15/2019 9:10:02 AM
EPMAgent CyberArk EPVUser False True False 12/10/2019 10:38:30 AM AuditUsers
strong CyberArk EPVUser False True False 12/11/2019 10:02:06 PM
weak CyberArk EPVUser False True False 12/10/2019 12:07:03 PM
Backup CyberArk Built-InAdmins False False False 12/10/2019 10:28:12 AM BackupAllSafes
Operator CyberArk Built-InAdmins False False False 12/10/2019 10:28:12 AM RestoreAllSafes
DR CyberArk Built-InAdmins False False False 12/10/2019 10:28:12 AM BackupAllSafes;RestoreAllSafes