| Cyclone's URL Spider |
Crawling URL: https://forum.hashpwn.net
Base domain: forum.hashpwn.net
Crawl depth: 2
ngram len: 1-3
Crawl delay: 0ms (increase this to avoid rate limiting, ex: -delay 100)
URLs crawled: 51
Processing... [====================] 100.00%
Unique words: 1983
Unique ngrams: 11030
Writing... [====================] 100.00%
Output file: forum.hashpwn.net_wordlist.txt
RAM used: 0.03 GB
Runtime: 4.949s
Wordlist & ngram creation tool to crawl a given url and create wordlists and/or ngrams (depending on flags given).
- To create a simple wordlist from a specified url (will save deduplicated wordlist to url_wordlist.txt):
./spider.bin -url https://github.com/cyclone-github
- To set url crawl url depth of 2 and create ngrams len 1-5, use flag "-crawl 2" and "-ngram 1-5"
./spider.bin -url https://github.com/cyclone-github -crawl 2 -ngram 1-5
- To set a custom output file, use flag "-o filename"
./spider.bin -url https://github.com/cyclone-github -o wordlist.txt
- To set a delay to keep from being rate-limited, use flag "-delay nth" where nth is time in milliseconds
./spider.bin -url https://github.com/cyclone-github -delay 100
- Run
./spider.bin -help
to see a list of all options
- If you want the latest features, compiling from source is the best option since the release version may run several revisions behind the source code.
- This assumes you have Go and Git installed
git clone https://github.com/cyclone-github/spider.git
# clone repocd spider
# enter project directorygo mod init spider
# initialize Go module (skips if go.mod exists)go mod tidy
# download dependenciesgo build -ldflags="-s -w" .
# compile binary in current directorygo install -ldflags="-s -w" .
# compile binary and install to $GOPATH
- Compile from source code how-to:
- Go Package Documentation: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/cyclone-github/spider
- Softpedia: https://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Other-Internet-Related/Cyclone-s-URL-Spider.shtml
- Several antivirus programs on VirusTotal incorrectly detect compiled Go binaries as a false positive. This issue primarily affects the Windows executable binary, but is not limited to it. If this concerns you, I recommend carefully reviewing the source code, then proceed to compile the binary yourself.
- Uploading your compiled binaries to https://virustotal.com and leaving an up-vote or a comment would be helpful as well.