Selects a value.
#include <jsoncons_ext/jsonpointer/jsonpointer.hpp>
template <typename Json>
Json& get(Json& root,
const basic_json_pointer<Json::char_type>& location,
bool create_if_missing = false); (1)
template <typename Json>
const Json& get(const Json& root,
const basic_json_pointer<Json::char_type>& location); (2)
template <typename Json>
Json& get(Json& root,
const basic_json_pointer<Json::char_type>& location,
std::error_code& ec); (3)
template <typename Json>
const Json& get(const Json& root,
const basic_json_pointer<Json::char_type>& location,
std::error_code& ec); (4)
template <typename Json>
Json& get(Json& root,
const basic_json_pointer<Json::char_type>& location,
bool create_if_missing,
std::error_code& ec); (5)
template <typename Json,typename StringSource>
Json& get(Json& root,
const StringSource& location_str,
bool create_if_missing = false); (6)
template <typename Json,typename StringSource>
const Json& get(const Json& root,
const StringSource& location_str); (7)
template <typename Json,typename StringSource>
Json& get(Json& root,
const StringSource& location_str,
std::error_code& ec); (8)
template <typename Json,typename StringSource>
const Json& get(const Json& root,
const StringSource& location_str,
std::error_code& ec); (9)
template <typename Json,typename StringSource>
Json& get(Json& root,
const StringSource& location_str,
bool create_if_missing,
std::error_code& ec); (10)
root | Root JSON value |
location | A basic_json_pointer |
location_str | A JSON Pointer provided as a string, string view, or C-string |
create_if_missing (since 0.162.0) |
Create key-object pairs when object key is missing |
ec |
out-parameter for reporting errors in the non-throwing overload |
(1), (3) and (5) return the selected item by reference.
json j(json_array_arg, {"baz","foo"});
json& item = jsonpointer::get(j,"/0"); // "baz"
(2) and (4) return the selected item by const reference.
const json j(json_array_arg, {"baz","foo"});
const json& item = jsonpointer::get(j,"/1"); // "foo"
(1)-(2) throw a jsonpointer_error if get fails.
(3)-(5) set the out-parameter ec
to the jsonpointer_error_category if get fails.
#include <jsoncons/json.hpp>
#include <jsoncons_ext/jsonpointer/jsonpointer.hpp>
using jsoncons::json;
namespace jsonpointer = jsoncons::jsonpointer;
int main()
auto j = json::parse(R"(
{ "category": "reference",
"author": "Nigel Rees",
"title": "Sayings of the Century",
"price": 8.95
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "Evelyn Waugh",
"title": "Sword of Honour",
"price": 12.99
// Using exceptions to report errors
json result = jsonpointer::get(j, "/1/author");
std::cout << "(1) " << result << '\n';
catch (const jsonpointer::jsonpointer_error& e)
std::cout << e.what() << '\n';
// Using error codes to report errors
std::error_code ec;
const json& result = jsonpointer::get(j, "/0/title", ec);
if (ec)
std::cout << ec.message() << '\n';
std::cout << "(2) " << result << '\n';
(1) "Evelyn Waugh"
(2) "Sayings of the Century"
#include <jsoncons/json.hpp>
#include <jsoncons_ext/jsonpointer/jsonpointer.hpp>
using jsoncons::json;
namespace jsonpointer = jsoncons::jsonpointer;
int main()
auto j = json::parse(R"(
"a/b": ["bar", "baz"],
"m~n": ["foo", "qux"]
jsonpointer::json_pointer ptr;
ptr /= "m~n";
ptr /= "1";
std::cout << "(1) " << ptr << "\n\n";
std::cout << "(2)\n";
for (const auto& item : ptr)
std::cout << item << "\n";
std::cout << "\n";
json item = jsonpointer::get(j, ptr);
std::cout << "(3) " << item << "\n";
(1) /m~0n/1
(3) "qux"
Examples from RFC6901
#include <jsoncons/json.hpp>
#include <jsoncons_ext/jsonpointer/jsonpointer.hpp>
using jsoncons::json;
namespace jsonpointer = jsoncons::jsonpointer;
int main()
auto j = json::parse(R"(
"foo": ["bar", "baz"],
"": 0,
"a/b": 1,
"c%d": 2,
"e^f": 3,
"g|h": 4,
"i\\j": 5,
"k\"l": 6,
" ": 7,
"m~n": 8
const json& result1 = jsonpointer::get(j, "");
std::cout << "(1) " << result1 << '\n';
const json& result2 = jsonpointer::get(j, "/foo");
std::cout << "(2) " << result2 << '\n';
const json& result3 = jsonpointer::get(j, "/foo/0");
std::cout << "(3) " << result3 << '\n';
const json& result4 = jsonpointer::get(j, "/");
std::cout << "(4) " << result4 << '\n';
const json& result5 = jsonpointer::get(j, "/a~1b");
std::cout << "(5) " << result5 << '\n';
const json& result6 = jsonpointer::get(j, "/c%d");
std::cout << "(6) " << result6 << '\n';
const json& result7 = jsonpointer::get(j, "/e^f");
std::cout << "(7) " << result7 << '\n';
const json& result8 = jsonpointer::get(j, "/g|h");
std::cout << "(8) " << result8 << '\n';
const json& result9 = jsonpointer::get(j, "/i\\j");
std::cout << "(9) " << result9 << '\n';
const json& result10 = jsonpointer::get(j, "/k\"l");
std::cout << "(10) " << result10 << '\n';
const json& result11 = jsonpointer::get(j, "/ ");
std::cout << "(11) " << result11 << '\n';
const json& result12 = jsonpointer::get(j, "/m~0n");
std::cout << "(12) " << result12 << '\n';
catch (const jsonpointer::jsonpointer_error& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
(1) {"":0," ":7,"a/b":1,"c%d":2,"e^f":3,"foo":["bar","baz"],"g|h":4,"i\\j":5,"k\"l":6,"m~n":8}
(2) ["bar","baz"]
(3) "bar"
(4) 0
(5) 1
(6) 2
(7) 3
(8) 4
(9) 5
(10) 6
(11) 7
(12) 8
#include <iostream>
#include <jsoncons/json.hpp>
#include <jsoncons_ext/jsonpointer/jsonpointer.hpp>
using jsoncons::json;
namespace jsonpointer = jsoncons::jsonpointer;
int main()
std::vector<std::string> keys = {"foo","bar","baz"};
jsonpointer::json_pointer location;
for (const auto& key : keys)
location /= key;
json doc;
json result = jsonpointer::get(doc, location, true);
std::cout << pretty_print(doc) << "\n\n";
"foo": {
"bar": {
"baz": {}